Techtalk Webinar Series: Research & Innovative Challenges During COVID-19

“TechTalk Webinar Series: Research & Innovative Challenges During COVID-19” was jointly organized by IEEE IAS, SPS, RAS & EMBS BUET Student Branch Chapter, IEEE BUET SB Women in Engineering Affinity Group, IEEE BUET Student Branch and IEEE Bangladesh Section. The webinar series was conducted through Zoom and was divided among four episodes. Each episode had a certain topic on which the honored speakers shared their thoughts. Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Professor, Dept. of EEE, BUET, Advisor of IEEE IAS, SPS, RAS BUET SB Chapter and Chair of IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE IAS, SPS, EMBS Bangladesh Chapter, was the moderator throughout the series. There were a total of 408 participants, among whom 269 were IEEE members and the remaining 139 were guest attendees.

  Esteemed Moderator and Speakers of TechTalk Webinar Series
 Moderator, speakers and some of the participants attending TechTalk













The participants were from 16 different countries and were part of 7 IEEE Regions. The regions that were covered are Region 1 (Northeastern USA) having 5 participants, Region 3 (Southeastern USA) having 3 participants, Region 4 (Central USA) from which 2 attended, Region 6 (Western USA) had 2 participants, Region 7 (Canada) from where 1 participated, Region 9 (Latin America) had only 1 participant, Region 10 (Asia and Pacific) had the most participants, a total of 393 attendants. Among the countries of Region 10 and other regions, India had the highest number of participants. Almost 50% of the participants were from India. The second-highest number of participants was from Bangladesh (almost 26%). Pakistan had the next biggest number of participants in the region, consisting of 9.5% of total participants. Nearly 66% of all the participants were IEEE members.

As the webinar series was organized by IEEE Bangladesh Section, the IEEE BUET Student Branch, and its societies, the members of Region 10 seemed to be dominant among the attendees.

TechTalk Webinar Series Episodes:

Episode 01

Episode 02

Episode 03

Episode 04