PCB Designing Workshop for Beginners 2017


A workshop named  “PCB Designing Workshop for Beginners’’ has been jointly organized by BUET WIE Student Branch Affinity Group and WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section on 5th April, 2017 at the Department of EEE, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET).


The participants with our instructors

We were overwhelmed by the huge response and this response eventually forced the instructors to carry out the sessions in more details and with more care. We cordially thank our instructors, Ms. Baishakhi Rani Biswas, Lecturer at Department of EEE, Green University and Mr. Ratul Das, Graduate Research Assistant, BUET. The dedication and enthusiasm shown by our instructors was truly inspiring. We are extremely grateful to Ms. Shoilie Chakma, Lecturer, Department of  EEE, BUET  and Treasurer, WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section for guiding the volunteers throughout the event and ensuring that the participants get maximum possible support and care.

We would not forget to thank our appreciative participants without whom this workshop holds no meaning. The eagerness to learn more and the patience that they showed were motivating.


Getting the schematic from the computer screen or breadboard to Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is the most important part of manufacturing electronic devices, robotics & embedded systems. Moving to a PCB has a wide range of advantages. It makes the final design robust, durable, dependable and replicable. That’s why our instructors started from the scratch of PCB designing using Proteus software.

Ms. Baishakhi Rani Biswas handing over the certificate to a participant

At the end, all the participants were awarded with certificates. Last but not the least, a cheer up for the valiant leadership and dedication of our volunteers without which BUET WIE Student Branch Affinity Group is always incomplete.