Events & Activities

The journey of our Student Branch Affinity Group started in 2016. But the total number of members during its formation was higher than any other Student Branch Affinity Groups in Bangladesh. The tremendous effort and enthusiasm of the executive committee members and volunteers makes it possible for us to organize a events with impeccable standards.

In every event, it is ensured that the percentage of female members is at least 50. Some events are conducted for female participants. In addition to that, participation of male members is highly encouraged. This helps them to learn about the challenges and difficulties women faces in academic and corporate sectors, and also gives them an insight of women’s perspectives. We hope to continue this trend so that BUET WIE Student Branch Affinity Group can flourish as the most influencing and motivating Student Branch in no time.

Yearly activities:

Activities of year 2016

Activities of year 2017

Activities of year 2018



BUET WIE SB AG Newsletter 2016