Industrial tour to NLDC (National Load Dispatch Centre)

 An industrial tour at National Load Dispatch Centre (NLDC) was arranged jointly by BUET WIE Student Branch Affinity group and WIE Bangladesh Section as a part of the IEEE DAY celebrations 2017. The tour was held in 19th of October, Thursday. The tour was guided by Mr. Dip Joti Paul, Lecturer, Department of EEE, BUET. More than 70 people registered for the tour but due to limitations 30 participants were selected of which 16 participants were IEEE Members.


NLDC is a restricted area from where power supply around the whole country is moderated and regulated by digitalized system. The participants learned what Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (PGCB) is and what objectives it accomplishes .They learned that it was entrusted with the responsibility to own the national power grid to operate and expand the same with efficiency.


The students were first briefed about the overview of power transmission system and the role of Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) and National Load Dispatch Centre. Afterwards, the participants got the golden opportunity to take a visit through the restricted system of NLDC. They were amazed to see the digital board where all the power plants and connection system are shown and updated in real-time. The integrated operation of regional power systems –totally based on software and optical communication system was highly mind-captivating.


We were overwhelmed by the huge response we received. It would be an honor to thank our appreciative participants without whom this tour would have been next to impossible to organize. The eagerness to learn more and the patience that they showed were motivating. Last but not the least a big round of applause for the valiant leadership and dedication of our volunteers.

Number of participants: 30 (IEEE Members: 16).

Co-hosts: IEEE WIE Bangladesh Section.