Membership Drive

BUET WIE Student Brach Affinity Group Membership Drive

BUET WIE Student Branch Affinity Group organized a Membership Drive from Arpil 10, 2017 to April 12, 2017 to recruit and retain members. The drive was first of its kind for BUET WIE SB AG and was outright successful in its mission.

For the three days, a booth was set up on the plinth of ECE Building, BUET for membership form distribution and fee collection. Vibrant posters and banners displaying the various previous activities of BUET WIE SB AG adorned the booth and attracted a huge number of prospective female engineers. Our enthusiastic and active volunteers briefed the inquisitive minds about WIE and informed them on the diverse benefits an IEEE membership entails. Visitors also learned about the upcoming WIE activities for students that the student branch aims to organize in the first half of the year.

BUET WIE SB AG Executive Committee members at work

The drive was stationed for three hours each day from 11 am to 2 pm and was occasionally visited by Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Professor, Department of EEE, BUET and Faculty Advisor, BUET WIE SB AG, who motivated the volunteers and members with her inspirational words.  The drive saw an impressive number of students collecting the membership form; a greater portion of which were for retaining their memberships.

An enthusiastic student learning about the importance of IEEE memebership

BUET WIE SB AG wishes to coordinate such drives once in each academic term to promote female participation in IEEE activities.