Workshop on Simulink


IEEE BUET Student Branch arranged a ‘Workshop on Simulink’ on 16th of October 2017 as a part of IEEE Day Celebration 2017. It was organized jointly by IEEE BUET Student Branch and BUET WIE Student Branch Affinity Group. The aim of the workshop was to introduce enthusiastic students to Simulink – the most commonly used graphical programming environment in the world and how it is used to solve real world problem.

The workshop was conducted in two parts, the first part was conducted by Asir Intisar Khan, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, BUET and Treasurer, IEEE EMBS Bangladesh Chapter. In the first part he discussed about the software, its uses and also discussed about its interface. The second part was conducted by Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, BUET. In the second part, Simulink was used to simulate a transmission line from the power plant to utility to determine the necessary parameters and any anomalies.

The participants were deeply focused as Asir Intisar Khan and Mohammad Tariqul Islam delivered their lectures and guided the session towards completion. The session was made very interactive, with the students frequently asking questions and getting satisfactory answers from the instructors. The instructors were presented with tokens of appreciation, as the two and a half hour workshop was successfully brought to an end.

We were overwhelmed by the huge response. We would not forget to thank our appreciative participants without whom this workshop holds no meaning. The eagerness to learn more and the patience that they showed were motivating. Last but not the least, a cheer up for the valiant leadership and dedication of our volunteers without which IEEE BUET Student Branch is always incomplete.