On the occasion of IEEE Day 2020, IEEE BUET Student Branch organized a membership development campaign from 3rd October 2020 to 7th October 2020. It was an online event that gave the members of IEEE BUET Student Branch to renew their IEEE membership and gave the opportunity for new members to join as well. Membership for seven society chapters was also available in the event. At the end of the event, this is the total summary of members that joined IEEE or renewed their membership. 

➫ IEEE Membership: 32

➫ Women in Engineering (WIE): 32

➫ IEEE Industrial Applications Society (IAS): 0

➫ IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES): 2

➫ IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS): 12

➫ IEEE Robotics & Automation Society (RAS): 6

➫ IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS): 0

➫ IEEE Electron Device Society (EDS): 4

➫ IEEE Computer Society (CS): 1