The annual 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium will be held at the VINCI Convention Center, TOURS, FRANCE, from September, 18-21, 2016. Oral and poster presentation formats will be used at the symposium. Papers are solicited for this conference describing original work in the field of ultrasonics from the following subject classifications:
Group 1: Medical Ultrasonics MBB Medical Beamforming and Beam Steering MBE Biological Effects & Dosimetry MBF Blood Flow Measurement MCA Contrast Agents MEL Elastography MIM Medical Imaging MPA Medical Photoacoustics MSD System & Device Design MSP Medical Signal Processing MTC Medical Tissue Characterization MTH Therapeutics, Hyperthermia, and Surgery |
Group 2: Sensors, NDE & Industrial Applications NAF Acoustics Microfluidics NAI Acoustic Imaging NAM Acoustic Microscopy NAS Acoustic Sensors NDE General NDE Methods NEH Energy Harvesting NFM Flow Measurement NMC Material & Defect Characterization NPA Photoacoustics NPC Process Control NSP Signal Processing NTD Transducers: NDE and Industrial NUA Underwater Acoustics NWP Wave Propagation |
Group 3: Physical Acoustics PAT Acoustic Tweezers and Particle Manipulation PNL Nonlinear Acoustics PGP General Physical Acoustics POA Opto-acoustics PPN Phononics PTF Thin Films PMI Magnetic/Electromagnetic Interactions PUM Ultasonic Motors & Actuators |
Group 4: Microacoustics: SAW, FBAR, MEMS ADA Device Applications ADD Device Design ADM Device Modeling AMP Materials & Propagation AMS Microacoustic Sensor Devices & Applications |
Group 5: Tranducers & Transducer Materials TMC Materials Fabrication and Characterization TMO Modeling (Analytical & Numerical) TFT Thin and Thick Piezoelectric Films TMU Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers TMI Biomedical Diagnostic and Imaging Transducers TTT Biomedical Therapeutic Transducers THF Front-end and Integrated Electronics TFI High Frequency Transducers TPF Applications of Piezoelectrics & Ferroelectrics |