Instructor(s) and Affiliation |
Yook-Kong Yong, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, U.S.A |
Short biography of instructor(s) |
Yook-Kong Yong is professor at Rutgers University, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, New Jersey, U.S.A. He received the B.S. degree in civil engineering (1979) from Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvannia, U.S.A., the M.A. (1981) and Ph.D. (1984) degrees in structures/mechanics from Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A.
He is a registered Professional Engineer in New Jersey. He serves as an associate editor for the journal IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. At the IEEE Society, he serves as the chair of Technical Program Committee for the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 2011, and as a member of the Technical Program Committee for the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposia, and IEEE Frequency Control Symposia in the years 1989 to present. He is the recipient of the Carrol Phillips Bassett Civil Engineering Prize from Lafayette College. His research interests are in the numerical modeling of bulk acoustic wave and surface acoustic wave piezoelectric resonators and filters; their frequency-temperature behavior, acceleration sensitivity, noise characteristics and thermal stress behavior. He has also practiced as a consultant to the industry. |
Abstract |
Most precision piezoelectric devices share many common features such as high Q, low power, small size, and stringent requirements on frequency stability, temperature stability, and acceleration sensitivity. Since the devices are employed as elements of frequency standards and detection, their frequency performances have to be maintained by precision designs, manufacturing, and operations. Consequently, the models for analysis and design of these piezoelectric acoustic wave devices have to include one or more of nonlinear bias fields due to (1) temperature, (2) applied forces, and (3) acceleration sensitivity from environmental vibrations. Good nonlinear models and their analyses are needed. The nonlinear models are useful because our research work on the nonlinear behavior of crystal resonators have been successful in extracting their electrical circuit parameters and identifying the major factors impacting their precision frequency performances.
Course Outline
The course will focus on the development of nonlinear piezoelectric equations for acoustic wave piezoelectric devices. Nonlinear material properties of the piezoelectric materials and nonlinear description of deformation have to be taken into account. The nonlinear governing equations are derived and presented. The linear and nonlinear material constants for common piezoelectric materials are discussed and presented. The nonlinear behavior of quartz resonators such as their frequency-temperature behavior, force-frequency effects, acceleration sensitivity, autoparametric resonance in trapped energy resonators, and nonlinear resonance including the Duffing effect will be studied and presented. The analysis requires very high accuracy numerical methods available in MATLAB and finite element software. A systematic analytical procedure must be established for the nonlinear analysis of acoustic wave devices. The nonlinear models are difficult to solve analytically and numerically, hence efforts in simplifying and approximating the nonlinear governing equations should be made. Simplified models of nonlinear acoustic waves are derived and presented. Some examples of the simplified models, their solution methods and comparisons of results with experimental results are presented. |