23 Sep


The first challenge on Plane wave Imaging in Medical UltraSound (PICMUS) has taken place during the IEEE IUS last Wednesday during lunch time.

The session was the opportunity to recall the scope of the challenge, to give the opportunity to some participants to present their method and also to have a global discussion of the results and the challenge itself. The top 3 participants of each of the four categories received a certificate from the IEEE as well as some prices sponsored by Verasonics. 5 teams received a price.

Teodora Szasz – IRIT, France
Adrien Besson – EPFL, Switzerland
Dan Cohen and Meged Shoham – Technion Israel
Ali Deylami – Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
Peter Kruizinga – Erasmus Medical Center, Netherlands

With around 30 participants and more than 160 attendees to the session the conference committee considers that this new feature of the conference was a success. It should be maintained in the future conferences.
