IEEE Pakistan WIE Awards 2015

Each  year , IEEE Pakistan WIE Forum encourages the endless dedication and wonderful efforts of IEEE WIE volunteers to promote technology among tech girls of Pakistan in form of ‘IEEE Pakistan WIE Awards’. This year , we are again excited to acknowledge the wonderful IEEE WIE leaders and their fabulous work in Pakistan.This year , Pakistan WIE Awards are categorized as :

Priceless WIE Student Volunteer Award | Read Criteria | Apply Here
Promising WIE Student AG award  | Read Criteria | Apply Here
Best initiative by WIE Student AG award  | Read Criteria | Apply Here
WIE Student AG Leadership Award  | Read Criteria | Apply Here

Nomination Process:

  1. Nomination for this award shall be submitted by filling a nomination form on Google Docs before deadline 1st October 2015, 05:00am Pakistan Standard Time. Fill in the nomination form and complete each section in a concise manner, explaining how the activity qualifies for receiving the award.
  1. Email a supporting document (maximum five (5) pages/pdf format/no zip files) with photos, promotional material, etc at . It is compulsory that the attachment is limited to a greatest of five (5) pages and in pdf format.

Judging Committee:

  • IEEE PSYPW Congress 2015 Congress Committee has appointed Awards Nomination and Committee Chair for 2015 Awards. The judging committee however will include Section WIE Chairs from IEEE Sections in Pakistan.
  • The results for this award along with points and justification(s) shall be revealed anonymously after deadline and before congress to all nominees.
  • The decision of the judging committee as approved by IEEE PSYPWC Awards Nomination and Committee Chair shall be final and can’t be challenged.

Please be noted deadline of all above-mentioned awards is 1st October 2015 , 05:00 am Pakistan Standard Time.Don’t Forget to read criteria of each award before applying or write at for any query.

Excited to meet all of you at IEEE Student /YP/ WIE Congress 2015 at CIIT Islamabad . Please Visit for details

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