WIE Bootcamp

IEEE Pakistan WIE Forum’s exclusive ‘WIE Bootcamp’ is initiated to promote WIE among the about-to-be-started and existing IEEE Student branches of all IEEE Sections of Pakistan.


WIE Bootcamp would include

  1. Introduction to IEEE WIE and it’s benefits
  2. How to operate your student WIE AG from campus to Global WIE
  3. WIE Executives Training

It will be happening from June 2015 to October  2015

It will be conducted in all the interested IEEE Pakistan Student Branches

How to Apply 
Follow the following steps:

  1. Select a feasible event date and time
  2. Contact us at ieeewie.pk@gmail.com 10 days before the expected event
  3. We will confirm within 4-5 working days
  4. Set the logistics and get WIE introducted/trained in your student branch

Eligibility Criteria

  1.  All IEEE Student Branches of Pakistan (only) can request for WIE Bootcamp
  2. Those who don’t have IEEE in their campuses would need to have IEEE orientation sessions before or with WIE bootcamp
  3. Those who don’t have WIE in their Student branches would need to show us ‘IEEE WIE Student Petition submission mail’ [ Our team is always available to guide you through the petition process]

Apply here

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