Flipbooks of Speaker Presentations from the Computer Society Meetings

Computer Society Chapter’s Flipbooks

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    • Dr Philip Brown: When is “Altruism” good in distributed decision-making?
      • Here is a link to the recording
        • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MY6A7ym3GG-w2CJTsKspPN2ca9051h6d/view?usp=drive_web
      • Here are the slides
        • 2023-04-13 Pikes Peak IEEE Dr Brown

Computer Society- 2022 Meetings


  • April Meeting

  • Beverly Freeman on QC Strategies for Expert Medical Image Labeling



  • February Meeting

  • Mark Campbell on Venture Capital 101

 Here is a link to the recording:

Play recording (1 hr 42 mins)

    • Here are the slides:


Computer Society – 2021 Meetings


May Meeting

Bill McNally on Big Data 

Here is a link to the recording:

Play recording (1 hr 9 mins)

Here are the slides:

An Overview of Data Science


April Meeting

Mark Holthouse on Speech Recognition

Here is a link to the recording:

Play recording

Here are the slides:

Speech Recognition



March Meeting

Dr. Kumar Krishen on NASA Technologies for Space Exploration

Here is a link to the recording:

Please note:   The recording starts on Slide 13: Lunar South Polar Region Showing Mons Malapert.  The attached deck has the full set of slides.  But the commentary for the 1st 13 was lost.  

Play recording

Here are the slides:

Technology Innovations for Space Exploration IEEE Pikes Peak Section 3 4 21



    • October Meeting:

    • Introduction to Quantum Computing – Dr. Trung Pham, USAFA
    • This is part one of a tutorial on Quantum Computing.   This talk covers the basics of the technology.   Next month Dr. Pham will cover an application of the technology.
    • Here is a link to the recording
    • October Pikes Peak Computer Society Meeting-20201001 2310-1
      Thursday, October 1, 2020
      Play recording (1 hr 29 mins)
    • Here are the slides–
    • September Meeting:

    • Data Fusion and Resource Management Technical Architecture – Chris Bowman, PhD
    • The DNN Technical Architecture provides a standard functional decomposition of DF&RM software development point designs, interface descriptions, and engineering methodology to enable software tool reuse and reduce need for one-of-a-kind DF&RM systems. The goals of the presentation include:
      • Provide an understanding of the roles for DF&RM
      • Describe how the Data Fusion heritage can be used to “jump-start” dual Resource Management solutions
      • Describe DF&RM Dual Node Network (DNN) Technical Architecture
      • Provide Problem-to-Solution Mappings for Data Association
    • Here is a link to the recording
    • https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/ldr.php?RCID=b10a4e42b8ed4dd6b0141d77dfcfca2d
    • Here are the slides—
    • August Meeting:

    • Who Invented the Integrated Circuit – Gene Freeman
    • The integrated circuit is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century and continues its dominance as an electronic packaging technology  in the 21st Century.    This talk focuses on its beginnings and looks at the controversies around attribution of “who was first?”
    • We had two special guests at this meeting Lisa Kocks, Historian, IEEE History Center and Francesco Gerali, ICOHTEC member and IEEE History Center 2019 Pugh Scholar.  Looking forward to future collaboration.
    • Here are the slides—