Section Reports of Activities | Region 5 Meetings | Section Status and Achievements | Senior Member Application
UPCOMING PIKES PEAK SECTION EVENTS (note: if you see the following message below: “An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later.”, it means that there are currently no meetings scheduled.)
IEEE Educational Events – IEEE Education Week
[do_widget “Events Calendar”]
This report page serves as a backup to the News Section since a number of RSS reader of reports are down or not working properly, IEEE webmaster is working on a fix for this.
Select the tab of interest to see the latest 10 items of reported events.
[do_widget id=super_rss_reader-4]
In the meantime, Dr. Santiago developed an alternative fix embedding one of his websites to show reported events within the Section and other society chapters. Thank you for your patience!
The tabs below this text are a major issue with the IEEE built-in RSS reader showing that the reported events are not all captured. The IEEE webmaster is working to fix this issue as well.
Also the reports are not all captured below by the current feeder and the IEEE webmaster is working this as well.