Stories of LMAG Members
The intent of the web section is to provide inspiration and lessons learned during an engineering career from the Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) members.
Hopefully, you will gleam what it takes to have a successful engineering career.
Donate here to preserve John Meredith’s Memory
John Meredith served over 50 years in IEEE, fulfilling a variety of leadership roles within and outside the Pikes Peak Section. Click on image to enlarge.
Below are two videos: (1) 37-second video on John Meredith Wishing IEEE A Happy 125th Anniversary in October 2008, and (2) Flag Folding Ceremony and Presentation
IEEE Pikes Peak Section Meeting & Tribute to Navy Veteran & 2007 IEEE*USA President John Meredith
A Great Leader Who Builds & Motivates Other Leaders
During September 2018, Professor Santiago will Chair for the IEEE Pikes Peak Section with John Meredith as Vice Chair starting in 2019. As a long-term strategic plan, Professor John Santiago was going to handle the outreach community programs to educate parents and their kids emphasizing what engineering and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is all about. John Meredith will handle setting up the technical session activities. The partnership was planned as a team effort. John Meredith set up the following first IEEE technical session held at CTU while Professor Santiago hosted and handled the local logistics:
IEEE Pikes Peak Section Two-Part Meeting, September 27. Part 1: Cybersecurity: Threat and Risk Management and Part 2: “The President’s Forum” – A Three-Hour Live Video Conference with the IEEE President, Jim Jefferies and senior leadership. Key topics for Part 1from the presenter, Michael G. Semmens include: the nature of cyber threats, priorities for cybersecurity & the national cyber exchange.
After Professor Santiago completed the Manitou Incline on 26 September 2018, he found that John Meredith, died that same day. Unknown to Professor Santiago, John Meredith has been suffering a blood infection during the past eleven days. Two weeks before John Meredith died what was planned as a family event, the blood infection started. Also, before John Meredith left for his planned family event, one of the last request by John Meredith to Professor Santiago was to take a group photo of the Cybersecurity Meeting. Professor Santiago honored his request with the photo shown below. Before the presentation started, a 1-minute moment of silence was given and a short video clip of John Meredith was shown offering best wishes to IEEE 125th Anniversary in 2008. The planned meeting proceeded as John Meredith would have wanted.
Information about John Meredith used with permission by his wife, Lorraine.
Russ Bogardus graduated with a B.S.E.E. from Union College (Tau Beta Phi, Eda Nappa Nu) (Schenectady, NY) and a M.S.E.E from the University of Rochester (Rochester, NY). His courses centered on system and control theory and signal and state estimation. He spent the next 40 years working for IBM Federal System (25 years) and Lockheed Martin Mission Systems (15 years) as a system engineer and chief engineer His projects included submarine detection and tracking, terrain following radar, and the GPS Command and Control System. After retiring he became a P.E. in the state of Colorado and volunteers with Engineering Ministries International designing electrical infrastructure for missionaries in the world’s poorest countries.