Magnetics Society

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Position or Point Name Contact Comments
Chair, Magnetics Society Zbigniew Celinski
Treasury, Magnetics Society Dmytro Bozhko

Upcoming Meetings  (note:  if you see the following  message below:   “An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later.”, it means that there are currently no meetings scheduled.)

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Select the [Magnetics] tab to see the latest 10 items of reported events.

Reported Meetings
  • Pikes Peak Section
  • Computer Society
  • Magnetics Society
  • Joint Circuits and Systems/Electronic Devices
  • Power and Energy Systems
  • Life Member Affinity Group
Careers in Technology Fall Series 2024 - Paul Berger, PhD 01 October 8pm EST / 7 pm CST - Southeastern Michigan Section Affinity Group,CN on 01-October-2024

On this celebratory IEEE Day, let us rejoice in the combined IEEE worldwide activities of 39 technical societies  and 7 interdisciplinary councils on one side of the IEEE coin, balanced [...]

This Month's Executive Committee Meeting Will Be In-Person at Gates Grill at the Country Club of Colorado.  Dining is included so please attend but you will need to register and [...]

Careers in Technology Fall Series 2024 - Victor B Lawrence, PhD 24 September 8pm EST - Columbus Section Jt Chapter,ED15/PHO36 on 24-September-2024

  The Careers in Technology Fall Series begins on 24 September at 8pm Eastern Time with: Professor Victor B Lawrence, PhD IEEE Fellow, National Inventors Hall of Fame. In the [...]

The IEEE Pikes Peak Young Professionals (YPs) program is excited to announce our Fall programming, which seeks to connect YPs within the section and expand engagement within the IEEE community. [...]

Courtney gives her background and experience with creating career development paths. She discusses: Why is it useful to have a path or plan? Why is it especially useful for women? [...]

Last Call - Pikes Peak Section Elegant Dinner Meeting at the Jewett Mansion - Pikes Peak Section on 16-July-2024

You and our spouse or partner are invited to a special event on the evening of July 16.  Pikes Peak is holding this special Dinner buffet catered by Paravicini Bistro, [...]

Distinguished Lecture: The Queen Isabela Causeway Bridge Collapse Detection - Pikes Peak Section on 16-July-2024

James Mercier will be travelling to Colorado Springs all the way from Texas to share this Distinguished Lecture with us, and explain both how the Electrical and the Traffic Engineering [...]

Hayley will talk about her career path from the chemical plant to NASA and lessons learned along the way, as well as the role STEM outreach has played in her [...]

Presentation by Anita Rao on her transition from engineer at QualComm to Government Policy Advisor for the GSA.  [...]

Careers in Technology Fall Series 2024 - Paul Berger, PhD 01 October 8pm EST / 7 pm CST - Southeastern Michigan Section Affinity Group,CN on 01-October-2024

On this celebratory IEEE Day, let us rejoice in the combined IEEE worldwide activities of 39 technical societies  and 7 interdisciplinary councils on one side of the IEEE coin, balanced [...]

The human fascination to mimic ultra-efficient living beings like insects and birds has led to the rise of small autonomous robots. Smaller robots are safer, more agile and are task [...]

Careers in Technology Fall Series 2024 - Victor B Lawrence, PhD 24 September 8pm EST - Columbus Section Jt Chapter,ED15/PHO36 on 24-September-2024

  The Careers in Technology Fall Series begins on 24 September at 8pm Eastern Time with: Professor Victor B Lawrence, PhD IEEE Fellow, National Inventors Hall of Fame. In the [...]

Courtney gives her background and experience with creating career development paths. She discusses: Why is it useful to have a path or plan? Why is it especially useful for women? [...]

Hayley will talk about her career path from the chemical plant to NASA and lessons learned along the way, as well as the role STEM outreach has played in her [...]

In the dynamic landscape of startups, leveraging technology effectively can be a game-changer. This session delves into essential lessons learned in Information Technology (IT) that are crucial for the success [...]

The Careers in Technology (CIT) virtual career panel consists of a group of industry leaders and experts who interact directly with the participants in a moderated Q&A session. In this [...]

The latest McKinsey Global Survey on AI in May of 2024 concludes that 2023 was the year the world discovered generative AI (GenAI) and 2024 is the year organizations truly [...]

Space assets such as satellites, drones and spacecraft are increasingly attractive targets for adversaries ranging from individual hackers, to hacker groups and nation states. This rapid rise in the cyber [...]

Artificial intelligence is increasingly ubiquitous across tech and broader society. While incredibly powerful, the energy demands of operating deep-learning networks on traditional von Neumann computers are spiralling unsustainably - limiting [...]

The wildly growing field of antiferromagnetic spintronics is currently addressing several fundamental questions. A major topic of investigation concerns the generation and manipulation of coherent magnons on the ultrafast timescale. [...]

Magnons are the fundamental spin excitations of magnetically ordered materials, such as ferromagnets and antiferromagnets. Magnons combine non-linear properties with tunability and sub-micrometer wavelengths in the gigahertz-frequency regime. The field [...]

Magnetic skyrmions are localized spin textures in-which the magnetic moments curl into a continuous, coplanar loop, bounded on its outside perimeter and core by moments in the out-of-plane direction. This [...]

Artificial spin ice (ASI) is a highly customizable materials platform used for studying fundamental properties of interaction and frustration in magnetic systems, with potential applications in novel computing architectures. Perpendicular [...]

IEEE Magnetics Society Pikes Peak Chapter annual meeting. The questions about the future of the chapter will be discussed including the elections of the new Chair and Treasurer. [...]

Artificial spiking neurons are the primary building blocks in a new class of neuromorphic computer hardware, for example, Intel’s Loihi. Spiking spintronic neurons hold promise to transform conventional computer architectures [...]

Resistive switching and spintronics emerged as leading approaches for the development of scalable and energy-efficient memories and information processing devices. In resistive switching systems, an electrical stimulus, voltage or current, [...]

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a powerful analytical tool that allows for noninvasive and nondestructive characterization of the chemical composition of a sample. Furthermore, low field NMR (B0 < 1 [...]

The current revolution in quantum technologies relies on coherently linking quantum objects like quantum bits (“qubits”). Coherent magnonic excitations of low-loss magnetic materials can wire together these qubits for sensing, [...]

Semiconductor microelectronic chips are critical components in defense C4ISR and weapon systems.  Department of Defense (DoD) needs to have an assured supply of advanced microcroelectronic chips, in peacetime and wartime.  [...]

The Pikes Peak Joint Electron Devices/Circuits & Systems Chapter is being reactivated after a 4 year inactivate period.  We invite all those interested in Semiconductor technology to participate in the [...]

Abstract: As Moore’s Law is slowing down and eventually approaching an end for conventional CMOS, new platforms for producing circuit-level innovation are desired.  At the same time, it is not [...]

The ED/CAS Chapter of the Pikes Peak Section of the IEEE is pleased to invite you to a talk given by Dr. Taylor D. Webb on Focusing Ultrasound Through the [...]

A newfangled paradigm through deployment of the nonequilibrium Arora’s distribution function (NEADF) for resistance surge in low-dimensional nano-resistors is presented, with applications to carbon-based devices. The key outcome is that [...]

Interested in the design of ultra-high efficiency, low cost  phased arrays for astronomy, remote sensing and satellite communications? Please join the Pikes Peak ED/CAS Chapter at 10 AM on September 9 at the [...]

Please join us on Friday, November 20th, 2015, at UCCS between 10:00AM -11:00AM for a presentation on the above topic by Mr. Mike Richardson from Quantum Imaging, Inc. Colorado Springs.  Abstract: Mr. [...]

Please join us on October 23rd, Engineering Building, UCCS, between 10AM and Noon for a presentation on the above topic by Dr. Salvador Portillo, PhD., from the University of New Mexico. [...]

IEEE Pikes Peak ED/CAS Society Chapter presents-- Future RF Circuit Design: CMOS or SiGe HBT RF Circuits can be designed by CMOS, SiGe HBT or Si BJT technologies. Dr. Adam [...]

As synchronous generators continue to be replaced by inverter-interfaced renewable energy resources to pave the way for grid decarbonization, the dynamic behavior of the bulk power grid is changing. In [...]

In recent years, the islanded electric power system of Cyprus has faced significant challenges. The increased penetration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in combination with the reduced reliance on conventional [...]

S&C's corporate headquarters in Chicago is home to one of the world's leading electrical testing laboratories. Our 20,000-square-foot Nicholas J. Conrad Laboratories (NJC) is well equipped to meet the rigorous [...]

Utility Scale Solar Generation at Colorado Springs Utilities - Baltimore Section Chapter,PE31 on 15-May-2024

Pike Solar is the largest solar facility in the Coloado Springs Utilities electric system, consisting of 400,000 photovoltaic panels. Through our Power Purchase Agreement with Juwi, we are able to use [...]

Okinawa Prefecture is located at the southernmost tip of the Japanese archipelago, comprising a vast expanse of sea spanning 1,000 kilometers east to west and 400 kilometers north to south, [...]

This webinar delves into a case study focusing on zonal control in a complex island grid hosting grid-forming (GFM) and grid-following (GFL) inverter-based resources (IBRs). The investigation addresses key questions [...]

This webinar will delve into various aspects of distributed loads, including different load modifiers considering both temporal and spatial aspects. We will look at their fundamental principles and operations to [...]

With the United States' ambitious renewable energy goals, the demand for large-scale (>20MW) generator interconnection (GI) services has increased significantly, leading to longer interconnection queues and longer wait times for [...]

FERC Order No. 2222 will help usher in the electric grid of the future and promote competition in electric markets by removing the barriers preventing distributed energy resources (DERs) from [...]

Digital Power Optimization (DPO) will be presenting an overview of Cryptocurrency Mining. Founder and CEO, Andrew Webber will be discussing why bitcoin mining matters to the energy industry, what is [...]

Tour of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) in Boulder - High Plains Section on 06-August-2024

From their website:   "NOAA is an agency that enriches life through science. Our reach goes from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor [...]

Distinguished Lecture: The Queen Isabela Causeway Bridge Collapse Detection - Pikes Peak Section Affinity Group,LM on 16-July-2024

James Mercier will be travelling to Colorado Springs all the way from Texas to share this Distinguished Lecture with us, and explain both how the Electrical and the Traffic Engineering [...]

Abstract: Cyber-physical systems (CPS), such as robots and self-driving cars, demand rigorous scheduling to prevent failure, where every millisecond of processing time can be critical. These systems often rely on [...]

Unleash Your Potential: AI-driven Productivity & Workflow Strategies - Hawaii Section on 25-April-2024

  Real-world examples of examples and demos in using AI-assisted tools are introduced to increase your productivity.  These tools include actual use of these AI-assisted tools during education week to [...]

Enhancing STEM Education through AI-Assisted Tutoring - Hawaii Section on 09-May-2024

AI-Assisted Tutoring represents a transformative approach to education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. This innovative educational model integrates artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to create personalized learning experiences, [...]

Revolutionize Electronic Design Automation (EDA) with AI: Unlocking the Power of Generative Adversarial Networks in High-Speed Receiver Modeling - Hawaii Section Chapter,C16 on 18-April-2024

Join us for an exciting virtual event on "AI for Electronic Design Automation," where we will delve into the revolutionary applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence in the field [...]

A Call to Action: Uniting Tech Innovators, Policy Leaders & Businesses to Safeguard Digital Privacy - Hawaii Section Chapter,C16 on 17-April-2024

The presentation discusses the challenges in achieving digital privacy and the important role of technologists and policymakers while encouraging engagement from individuals and businesses. When talking about the complexity and [...]

Revolutionizing Supply Chain Management: Harnessing the Power of AI and Machine Learning in Cloud-based ERP Systems for Technical Leaders - Hawaii Section Chapter,C16 on 23-April-2024

In today's rapidly changing global landscape, engineering managers are faced with unprecedented challenges in managing supply chains efficiently and effectively. The ongoing crisis has further exacerbated these complexities, putting immense [...]

The Austin Life Members' Group promotes the development of members through professional and social networking,addressing topics of interest to Life Members, including volunteer activities, and supports the IEEE Central Texas [...]

Welcome to Global Webinar co-sponsored by Pikes Peak Section and Panama Computer Society Chapter and co-hosted by a number of Chapters worldwide. The Chip Act: A New Era in US [...]


RSS Magnetics

  • Hybrid Magnonics
    Magnons are the fundamental spin excitations of magnetically ordered materials, such as ferromagnets and antiferromagnets. Magnons combine non-linear properties with tunability and sub-micrometer wavelengths in the gigahertz-frequency regime. The field of magnonics [1] explores potential applications of magnons for information processing and communication. These applications encompass wave-based Boolean logic, neural networks, quantum technologies and miniaturized […]
  • Neutron Scattering from Magnetic Swirls
    Magnetic skyrmions are localized spin textures in-which the magnetic moments curl into a continuous, coplanar loop, bounded on its outside perimeter and core by moments in the out-of-plane direction. This very specific configuration provides a non-trivial topology and quasiparticle qualities, including skyrmion kinetics and dynamic modes. Hybrid skyrmions have shown the largest stability envelope, which […]
  • Modified Perpendicular Artificial Spin Ice
    Artificial spin ice (ASI) is a highly customizable materials platform used for studying fundamental properties of interaction and frustration in magnetic systems, with potential applications in novel computing architectures. Perpendicular ASI systems are advantageous because they have isotropic interactions between magnetic elements and high perpendicular stray fields that could be used for magnetic imprinting. These […]
  • MAG33 Annual Chapter Meeting
    IEEE Magnetics Society Pikes Peak Chapter annual meeting. The questions about the future of the chapter will be discussed including the elections of the new Chair and Treasurer.
  • Femtosecond coherent magnonic manipulation of antiferromagnetism
    The wildly growing field of antiferromagnetic spintronics is currently addressing several fundamental questions. A major topic of investigation concerns the generation and manipulation of coherent magnons on the ultrafast timescale. The development of novel pulsed-laser sources has enabled scientists to address the following scientific question: which magnetic excited state can be induced by resonantly drive […]
  • Neuromorphic computing in nanomagnetic arrays
    Artificial intelligence is increasingly ubiquitous across tech and broader society. While incredibly powerful, the energy demands of operating deep-learning networks on traditional von Neumann computers are spiralling unsustainably - limiting scalability and presenting a barrier to zero-carbon futures[1].  A huge reason for this is that existing computing architectures look nothing like the brain, and as […]
  • Magnetic tunnel junctions as nanoscale artificial neurons
    Artificial spiking neurons are the primary building blocks in a new class of neuromorphic computer hardware, for example, Intel’s Loihi. Spiking spintronic neurons hold promise to transform conventional computer architectures for increased processing speed and computational efficiency in machine learning tasks. This talk will show that magnetic tunnel junctions have the capacity to behave as […]
  • Voltage-controlled magnetism enabled by resistive switching
    Resistive switching and spintronics emerged as leading approaches for the development of scalable and energy-efficient memories and information processing devices. In resistive switching systems, an electrical stimulus, voltage or current, programs the material’s resistivity. In spintronics, electrical signals are used to manipulate and probe the material’s magnetic configuration. Combing resistive switching and spintronics functionalities in […]
  • Applications of low field NMR: Relaxation measurements and resin curing
    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a powerful analytical tool that allows for noninvasive and nondestructive characterization of the chemical composition of a sample. Furthermore, low field NMR (B0 < 1 T) offers many potential advantages when compared to high field NMR, such as lower costs, smaller size, portability, lower power consumption and the ability to […]
  • Coherent magnonics for quantum information science
    The current revolution in quantum technologies relies on coherently linking quantum objects like quantum bits (“qubits”). Coherent magnonic excitations of low-loss magnetic materials can wire together these qubits for sensing, memory, and computing. Coherent magnonics may reduce the size of superconducting qubits (which otherwise struggle with the large scale of microwave excitations) and may increase […]