Community Outreach
You can view several more student activities, such as STEM-related community events, can be found here.

Date/Time: 27 Sep 2022: 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Location: 4110 North Academy Blvd (Old Chicago), Colorado Springs , CO 80918
Note: Please refresh browser to see photo gallery below.

Thursday, January 28, 2021, 8:13 pm | (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US Canada)
IEEE Initiative on Privacy and Security Using Blockchain Technology
Recording password: (This recording does not require a password.)
Overview of Blockchain Technology: About – IEEE Blockchain Initiative
Dr John Santiago met with Former State Senator & State Congressman, Kent Lambert on his doctorate and practicum topic, A Systems Engineering Examination of a Cryptographically-Secure Logistics Provisioning Enterprise with a Distributed Ledger Management Services Enterprise, on 6 Dec 2022 (Tues) at First Watch on North Academy, near Chapel Hills. Discussed a variety of topics including: blockchain technology and future talks with the IEEE Pikes Peak Section on cybersecurity.

Thursday, January 28, 2021, 8:13 pm | (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US Canada)
IEEE Initiative on Privacy and Security Using Blockchain Technology
Recording password: (This recording does not require a password.)
18 Dec 2020: Cybersecurity and Blockchain Technology at Old Chicago
IEEE in Industry
Below is a a brochure and slide deck about IEEE in Industry working to advance together.

June 12, 2021 – Tour of National Museum of World War II Aviation, Colorado Springs
IEEE Members from the Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) took a tour to the museum resulting with a partnership of the WWII Aviation Museum and participation of simulation projects from potential IEEE student branch and Section members.

28 July 2022: Student WWII Aircraft Simulation Projects At National Museum of WWII Aviation
A joint Life Member Affinity Group, Computer Society and Section meeting was held on 28 July 2022 to hear a presentation on simulation projects for the National Museum of WWII Aviation. A simulation project was proposed to involve IEEE Student Branches and Section members. The presentation was given by Verne Patterson from the museum.
The Museum has involved 110 University of Colorado-Colorado Springs engineering students over the last 7 years in the development of it’s interactive exhibits. One example is Kevyn Kelso, a computer engineering major who enrolled in a class called Senior Design Project. He chose to work at the Museum for his final project and was assigned the Norden Bombsight Simulator Project team. Past students were involved with creating a 3-D printed replica of the Norden Bombsight used by bombardiers to accurately land bombs. Kevyn joined 4 other students in developing the computer imaging of a B-17 dropping bombs on a target using real physics for bomb trajectory based on inputs from the replica Norden Bombsight.
A status update about the Pikes Peak Section was given on 30 July 2020 as well as a presentation of the AMES Power Plant. Below are slides of the vision, mission, and strategic goals. More information on the status update can be found here.
23 Aug 2022: EXCOM Meeting
An EXCOM Meeting was held on 23 Aug 2022. The primary focus for the meeting was understanding the budgeting process for student simulation projects with regards to the National Museum of WWII Aviation. The proposed project was presented by David Bondurant, Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) Chair and John Reinert, Section Treasurer, explained the budgeting process to all of the members. The meeting clarified the budgeting process for future propostals involving outreach or other activities. John Reinert intends to provide more guidance on David Bondurant’s proposal. The guidance will include a blank project proposal form (the Region PACE Project form) along with a filled-out example for the Science Olympiad. David also mentioned there are forms for the Computer Society and Life Members. John will also do a summary follow-up to the EXCOM. Basically, reiterating that the EXCOM members are supporting the project in concept and will need to see the proposal. This meeting and follow-up activities will serve in documenting the budget process.
UPDATE: As discussed above, you can find a blank project proposal form (the Region PACE Project form) and filled-out example for the Science Olympiad here.
At the above meeting, David Bondurant showed a video demonstration from one of the simulators at the National Museum of WWII Aviation.
Led by Dr. Jude De Palma, the IEEE Student Branch in a number of community events, as well as participating in IEEE competition, such as Robotics and STEM outreach to get students interested to enter the engineering field.
The IEEE student members took initiative to help host a Solar Expo and Tour of the Parade of Homes. This was hosted at the Colorado Technical University. The photos also include student involvement by having a booth in an Engineering Summit. There is one photo showing an automatic watering system such that the system will not turn on when it is raining.
Pikes Peak Region - Solar Tour and Expo
Students can participate in this Colorado Springs sponsored and annual event by showing their technical skillset and entrepreneurial mindset with regards to their senior design projects. The photos shown is a project involving alternative energy for recreational vehicles. Alternative energy sources in this project are solar and wind energy.
What-If Festival - September 2017
The Space Foundation – Summer of Discovery provides an opportunity of IEEE student members to reach out to the younger generation in getting them interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The interactive and hands-on exhibits give the younger kids a taste of what STEM is all about.
Space Foundation - Summer of Discovery
In celebration of IEEE Day, the IEEE Pikes Peak Section visited the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS) IEEE Student Branch, hosted and led by their Faculty Advisor, Dr. Darshika Perera. Leadership talks include: “Why A Technical Skill Set May Not Be Enough “by Dr John Santiago and “Going Pro” by Mr. Daniel Thomson.
For Daniel Thomson presentation, he provides reasons why IEEE is a good return-on-investment (ROI) as well as a discussion of the benefits of attending the Rising Stars Conference, held every January at Las Vegas. Young Professionals and IEEE Student members are highly encouraged to attend. Please see your student branch advisor for details. Due to budget constraints, one student per student branch may attend.
Rising Stars Conference and Leadership presentation of slides and video (no audio) can be found here.
IEEE members of the Pikes Peak Section visited the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) to evaluate and judge several Senior Design Capstone Projects by the cadets from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. They also had a tour of the department’s facility led by the IEEE Student Branch Faculty Advisor, Dr. John Ciezki.