October 8th Seminar “Ultra‐thin Chips ‐ a New Paradigm in Silicon Technology”
SCV Electron Devices Society October 8th Seminar “Ultra‐thin Chips ‐ a New Paradigm in Silicon Technology”
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Joachim N. Burghartz, Institute for Microelectronics Stuttgart (IMS CHIPS), Germany
Slides presented
Flexible electronics add mechanical flexibility, adaptivity and stretchability as well as large‐area placeability to electronic systems, thus allowing for conquering fundamentally new markets in consumer and commercial applications. Hybrid assembly of large‐area devices and ultra‐thin silicon chips on flexible substrates is now viewed as an enabler to high‐performance and reliable industrial solutions as well as high‐end consumer applications of flexible electronics. This talk discusses issues in ultra‐thin chip fabrication, device modeling and circuit design, as well as assembly and interconnects for thin chips embedded in foil substrates. Numerous distinct differences to conventional silicon technology justify the statement that ultra‐thin chips features a new paradigm in silicon technology.
Prof. N. Burghartz is an IEEE Fellow, an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, recipient of the 2014 EDS J.J. Ebers Award, and has been an ExCom member of the IEEE Electron Devices Society. He received his MS degree from RWTH Aachen in 1982 and his PhD degree in 1987 from the University of Stuttgart, both in Germany. From 1987 thru 1998 he was with the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York, where he was engaged in early development of SiGe HBT technology and later in research on integrated passive components, particularly inductors, for application to monolithic RF circuits. From 1998 until 2005 he was with TU Delft in the Netherlands as a full professor and from 2001 as the Scientific Director of the Delft research institute DIMES. In fall 2005 he moved to Stuttgart, Germany, to head the Institute for Microelectronics Stuttgart (IMS CHIPS). In addition he is affiliated with the University of Stuttgart as a full professor. More recently, he also became CEO of the IMS Mikro‐Nano Produkte GmbH. Dr. Burghartz has published about 350 reviewed articles and holds more than 30 patents.