July 12th, 2016 Electronics and Energy Applications of 1D and 2D Nanomaterials

IEEE SCV Electron Devices Society July 12th, 2016 Seminar by Dr. Eric Pop, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering , Stanford University, Stanford CA

“Electronics and Energy Applications of 1D and 2D Nanomaterials” 


IEEE SCV Electron Devices Society Seminar
“Electronics and Energy Applications of 1D and 2D Nanomaterials”

Speaker: Dr. Eric Pop, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering , Stanford University, Stanford CA

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

Time: 6:00 PM – 6:15 PM: Networking with food and refreshments
6:15 – 7:00 PM: Seminar 

Cost: Free
Location: Texas Instruments Building E Conference Center

2900 Semiconductor Dr., Santa Clara, CA 95052.
See the TI Building
location map and directions
Contact: Victor Cao

Web link: http://site.ieee.org/scv-eds/


Nanomaterials have applications in low-power electronics and energy-conversion systems. These are also rich domains for both fundamental discoveries as well as technological advances. This talk will present recent highlights from our research on 1- and 2-dimensional (1D and 2D) nanomaterials. As an example, we have studied graphene from basic transport measurements and simulations, to the recent wafer-scale demonstration of analog dot product nanofunctions. We are presently evaluating monolayer semiconductors like MoS2 for transistor and further integration opportunities. We have also uncovered nanoscale thermoelectric effects in transistors and phase-change memory (PCM) elements for low-power electronics. If time permits, I will discuss “bottom up” thermal management starting at dimensions comparable to the electron and phonon mean free paths (~100 nm), where quasi-ballistic heat flow and phonon-edge scattering effects dominate. Our studies reveal fundamental limits and new applications that could be achieved through the co-design and heterogeneous integration of 1D and 2D nanomaterials.


Eric Pop (epop@stanford.edu) is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (EE), where he leads the SystemX Heterogeneous Integration Focus Area. He was previously on the faculty of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (2007-13) and also worked at Intel (2005-07). His research interests are at the intersection of electronics, nanomaterials, and energy. He received his PhD in EE from Stanford (2005) and three degrees from MIT (MEng and BS in EE, BS in Physics). His honors include the 2010 PECASE from the White House, and Young Investigator Awards from the ONR, NSF CAREER, AFOSR, and DARPA. He is an IEEE Senior member, he served as the General Chair of the Device Research Conference (DRC), as well as on program committees of the VLSI, IRPS, MRS, IEDM, and APS conferences. In a past life, he was a DJ at KZSU 90.1 from 2001-04. Additional info about the Pop Lab is available online at poplab.stanford.edu.

More information at the IEEE Santa Clara Valley EDS Chapter Home Page

Link to previous web page: http://www.ewh.ieee.org/r6/scv/eds/

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