Free Web Hosting Facilities for IEEE Student Branches: How to make your Own Website
Free Web Hosting Facilities for IEEE Student Branches: How to make your Own Website
A successful workshop on Free Web Hosting Facilities for IEEE Student Branches: How to make your Own Website has been successfully arranged by IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter on Event date: 16th July 2021 Event Time: 07:00 PM (GMT+6 through zoom virtual platform. The keynote speaker for this workshop is Md. Jamil Istiaq, in the department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB). He is also the web coordinator of IEEE CS BDC Team SPARK. The workshop was conducted by the 2021 IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter, in collaboration with IEEE CS BDC Team SPARK.
The workshop’s major goal was to present a detailed discussion on free web hosting opportunities for the IEEE Student Branches. It presented a step-by-step guide for students of the IEEE Student Branches having access to free website hosting opportunities to keep the website of the branch up-to-date with the regular information of their events, achievements and also to reach the proficient individuals through a professional approach. This introduced them to a facility provided specially to IEEE CS Student Branches and motivated students to enrich and become members of their respective student branches. Over 100 participants including 90 IEEE and some non-IEEE members attended the workshop.
Executive committee members of the IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter (IEEE CS BDC), including Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Chair, Md. Ahsan Habib, Student Activity Coordinator, Sajeeb Saha, Secretary, IEEE CS BDC graced the webinar with their presence. Overall the event was met with a huge response and students were encouraged to join the following lectures of the series.