Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is an essential process that ensures that software products meet the highest standards of quality and performance. It encompasses a set of activities that are designed to verify and validate the software’s functionality, reliability, usability, and other key attributes.
Event Details:
Respected Keynote speaker:
Susmita Debnath
SQA Engineer
Naztech Inc.
Respected Guest speaker:
1. Tahsina Akter Laboni
Jr. SQA Engineer
Jrk International Ltd.

2. Sheikh Razia Sultana
Web Designer
Kidscoolshop Helsingør ApS, Denmark

3. Ramisa Anan
SQA Engineer

4. Esrat Jahan Erin
SQA Engineer

Respected event Moderator:
Md. Moynul Islam

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/WU2uiJmxN2vJbMLn6

Date: 17th April 2023
Time: 10.30 PM (BST)
Zoom Link: https://bdren.zoom.us/j/65971876394

N.B: Participants will get E-certificate

A Seminar on Research Opportunities in Canada

A Seminar on Research Opportunities in Canada is going to be conducted by Professor Dr. Mohammad Nazrul Ishlam Patoary, Department of ICT-AP, Algonquin College, Canada.
He was the First Teacher of MBSTU and former Teacher of ICT Department, MBSTU.
Keynote Speaker: Professor Dr. Mohammad Nazrul Ishlam Patoary,
Department of ICT-AP, Algonquin College, Canada.
Date: 4 January 2023, Wednesday
Time: 10:00 AM
Venue: Virtual Classroom (Academic Building 1)
Jointly Organized by: Department of Information and Communication Technology, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University;
IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter,
IEEE MBSTU Student Bracnch
IEEE MBSTU CS Student Chapter

Webinar on Startups and Wealth Creation: Engineering Students Should be the Champions

IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter successfully organized a Webinar titled “Startups and Wealth Creation: Engineering Students Should be the Champions” as an Industry Outreach event. The event took place in virtual platform Zoom on 12th March 2022 at 3 pm (GMT+6).

The speaker of the webinar was Dr. Shazzad Hosain, Professor, Department of ECE, North South University, and Director, NSU Startups Next. Mohammad Rubbyat Akram, Industrial Activity Coordinator, IEEE Computer Society BDC, conducted the session as moderator. The primary goal of this event was to familiarize attendees with the principles of a startup, which has become a buzzword, particularly students, in recent years. The speaker took a hands-on approach to help the attendees understand basic business ideas, business models, and the key differences between SMEs and startups. He explained how startups can contribute to a society’s high worth and prosperity. He discussed essential startup concepts, insights and the role of engineering students as crucial contributors to successful and high-growth-potential startups. He went over the funding cycle, the factors contributing to company success, and the qualities that make a solid startup idea. He presented real-life scenarios for successful startups and how to be creative when it comes to startup tactics by using various examples and referencing several national and international companies. He also noted the diverse approach to businesses and the need for partnerships. For the expanding number of successful companies, the speaker stressed the necessity of cross- disciplinary collaboration and partnerships. He addressed the importance of engineering students starting a business and how they can be successful.

Mohammad Rubbyat Akram explained the industry ecosystem and outlined the concepts of innovation in the digital space, value creation and funding to create successful startup.Students, academicians and professionals from various universities and organizations attended the event. Executive committee members of the IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter (IEEE CS BDC) including Prof. Dr. M. Sohel Rahman, Chair, Prof. Mohammad Shamsul Arefin, Vice Chair-Technical, Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque ex-chair of IEEE CS BDC and so on were present the webinar. Overall, the session was really beneficial to those who are interested in starting a business in the future, and the event greatly encouraged them.

Webinar on Future Ready Employability Skills for The Digital Age

Webinar on Future Ready Employability Skills for The Digital Age 

IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter successfully organized a Webinar on Future Ready Employability Skills for The Digital Age on the eve of IEEE Day – 2021. The event took place in Zoom concurrently from USA & Bangladesh on 15th October 2021 at 10:30 AM (GMT-5.00) & 9.30 PM (GMT+6.00).

The speakers of the webinar were Tanveer Saad, Head of Edge Cloud Innovation and Ecosystems, Nokia (Dallas, USA) and Mohammad Rubbyat Akram, Industrial activity coordinator, IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter.

In the webinar, the speakers explained Advanced Digital Technology trends, e.g.: Automation – Industry 4.0, Digital Twins, Connectivity– xG, Distributed Infrastructure – EdgeCloud, Sensors, Programmability – IaaC, Autonomous Car, Next-Gen Computing, AI/ML, NLP, CV & Blockchain. The speakers also discussed about building the right skillset for the Digital Age and pathway for the Global Employability with respect to these emerging technologies.

Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Chair, IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter, Md. Ahsan Habib, Student Activity Coordinator, Executive committee members along with a number of participants including academicians, researchers and professionals from different Universities and relevant personnel from the educational organizations attended the event.