The 6th PitchD of 2021 [IN-PRESENCE]
3 November 2021 – 5.30 PM CET IN-PRESENCE EVENT Venue: Politecnico di Torino – Maxwell Room You are invited to the 6th PitchD – the PhD’s pitch. Our PhD IEEE…
3 November 2021 – 5.30 PM CET IN-PRESENCE EVENT Venue: Politecnico di Torino – Maxwell Room You are invited to the 6th PitchD – the PhD’s pitch. Our PhD IEEE…
06 October 2021 – 11.30 AM CET IEEE Student branch Polito is pleased to invite you to the first IN-PRESENCE event and SEMINAR of the year. This seminar is highly…
Innovazione, Digitalizzazione e Futuro del lavoro Buongiorno, sono Kristjane Koleci, e rappresento l’IEEE Student Branch del Politecnico di Torino. Nel mese di giugno 2021, la nostra associazione ha effettuato alcuni…
For the Math Enthusiasts, it’s all about Pi today! It’s 3-14 !The IEEE Student Branch Politecnico di Torino throws a “SHOUT OUT” to you on this special.We acknowledge your inputs…
It’s time to renew the executive committee of the IEEE student branch of Politecnico di Torino, Italy. It’s time for the board to pass the torch to a new set…
Dear Member,thank you all for actively participating to the SB events and activities! But now we need you to continue the activities and follow the taken path. In January we…
Are you a PhD candidate at Politecnico di Torino? Take the opportunity to participate in the new edition of PitchD seminars: the PhD’s Pitch. The seminars organized for sharing PhD…
The IEEE Student Branch of Politecnico di Torino wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Dear IEEE Student Members of Politecnico di Torino, the election for the new board of the IEEE Student Branch are approaching and we are glad to announce that our IEEE…