This event was the second event arranged by IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter DU. The chair of IEEE CS SB DU, Fariha Hossain Noboni and the committee members altogether arranged the event.
This workshop was arranged on March 29, 2018 in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Dhaka.
Version Control Systems are a category of software tools that help a software team manage changes to source code over time. This workshop was organized in order to enlighten the software enthusiasts of our country.
The workshop was taken by Md. Mofijul Islam sir, lecturer of CSE, University of Dhaka.
Ahsan Habib Tareq sir was present in the closing ceremony and handed the token of honor to the instructor, Md. Mofijul Islam sir.
25 participants who are mostly from University of Dhak attended the workshop and they were sent e-certificates after the daylong workshop.