The IEEE Politecnico di Torino Student Branch participated actively at the ISCAS 2018 conference, held in Florence at the end of May.

The International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) is the flagship conference of the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society and the world’s premier networking and exchange forum for researchers in the highly active fields of theory, design and implementation of circuits and systems. ISCAS2018 focuses on the Art of Circuits and Systems to highlight the strong foundation in methodology and the integration of multidisciplinary approaches which are the distinctive features of CAS contributions.

The conference was a great opportunity to show off our results, discuss with important researchers, professors and workers. Furthermore, the IEEE SB PoliTO had the chance to meet the general co-chairs, Franco Maloberti and Gianluca Setti, whom with their great experience in the IEEE world, their energy, and their courtesy, they inspired all of us.

We would like to thank all the people that we meet during those days, that with a smile they explained to us what the IEEE is like, a community where Enjoy, Learn and Share.

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