Closing the Gaps: Advancing Single-Molecule Electronics in Electronics Engineering

05th September 2024 – 03:00 PM
Politecnico di Torino – Maxwell Room

Physicists and chemists have recently put forward numerous proposals for single-molecule devices. However, despite an emerging focus on electronics applications, the limited engagement from engineers, industries, and financiers restricts the technology’s advancement. This disconnect creates a critical gap between the design of molecular circuits and the understanding of fundamental phenomena. This session aims to address the challenges in single-molecule electronics by encouraging the integration of methodologies for studying, fabricating, characterizing, and designing single-molecule circuits.


  • Dr. Linda Angela Zotti, “Exploring the Use of Antiaromatic Compounds in Single Molecule Circuits” (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

  • Dr. Andrea Vezzoli, “Single-Molecule Electronics – A Chemist’s Window on the Quantum Realm” (University of Liverpool)

  • Prof. Maciej Krzywiecki, “Photoelectron Spectroscopy Applications: From Physics and Chemistry to Single-Molecule Electronics” (Silesian University of Technology)

  • Mr. Fabrizio Mo, “Toward Single-molecule Electrical Detection: Molecular Quantum Dot Sensors” (Politecnico di Torino)


  • 15.00 – Introduction
  • 15.05 – Dr. Linda Angela Zotti
  • 15.35 – Dr. Andrea Vezzoli
  • 16.05 – Prof. Maciej Krzywiecki
  • 16.35 – Mr. Fabrizio Mo
  • 17.05 – Closing

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Dr. Linda Angela Zotti

Angela Linda Zotti

Angela Linda Zotti, graduated in Physics at University of Bary (2003) and with a PhD in Chemistry obtained at the university of Liverpool in 2008, is an assistant professor at the Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Department & IFIMAC (Condensed Matter Physics Institute) of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). She specializes in computational simulations of nanostructures, including molecular junctions, proteins, metallic interfaces, metal-organic frameworks. Her main expertise is in electron-transport simulations based on DFT, tight binding and Green’s function techniques.

Dr. Andrea Vezzoli

Angela Linda Zotti

Dr. Andrea Vezzoli is a Royal Society University Research Fellow and a Reader in Physical Chemistry at the University of Liverpool. His work focusses on the fabrication of functional single-molecule junctions – extremely small nanoelectronic devices made by one molecule “chemically soldered” to two nanoelectrodes. He has developed single-molecule transistors, nanoelectromechanical devices, and optoelectronic diodes, establishing structure-property relationships and developing novel instrumentation for high-bandwidth measurements. His group works on all aspects of junction fabrication, from the design and synthesis of molecular wires to their nanofabrication and nanomanipulation into single-molecule junctions, and the characterisation of their optoelectronic properties. In addition to support from the Royal Society, Andrea’s research is also in receipt of council funding (EPSRC New Investigator Award 2020, EPSRC Core Equipment Award 2021, ERC Starting Grant 2022 / UKRI Frontier Research Grant 2024) and he sits on the management committee of the nanofabrication suite at the University of Liverpool with colleagues in Physics and Engineering.

Prof. Maciej Krzywiecki

Angela Linda Zotti

Maciej Krzywiecki is head of the Electron Spectroscopies and Functional Materials Laboratory, Institute of Physics – Silesian University of Technology. His research focuses on nano-characterization through non-destructive multi-method experiments (photoelectron spectroscopies XPS, UPS, scanning probe microscopies AFM, STM/STS and SEM, XRD, EDS/EDX, …). His experience is enriched by scientific visits in international centers as University of Tuebingen, Norwegian University of Science, ALBA synchrotron, Eindhoven Technical University and Max Planck Institute. He co-authored more than 80 scientific publications and was awarded with the Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics Choice Collection, Hot Article (2017).

Mr. Fabrizio Mo

Angela Linda Zotti

Fabrizio Mo is currently a Ph.D. Candidate and Research Assistant at VLSI Lab – Molecular Nanocomputing Unit, Polytechnique of Turin, Italy. His primary research topics are single-molecule electrical sensors and relative front-end electronics. His research interest is also focused on molecular electronics, transport in nano-devices and nanotechnology, especially for beyond CMOS systems.

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