The IEEE Student Branch met Federico Faggin

On October 15th, the IEEE student branch had the honour of meeting Federico Faggin during the TOP EXPERIENCES talk entitled: “Intuire, creare, autorizzarsi a nuove comprensioni: dall’invenzione del primo processore alla nuova scienza della consapevolezza”.

Federico Faggin designed the Intel 4004 processor and is the creator of Silicon Gate Technology (SGT). He participated in the development of Intel 8080 and Z80 processors. He is the co-founder of Zilog and Synaptics companies. More recently in 2011, he founded the “Federico e Elvia Faggin Foundation”, a non-profit organization promoting theoretical and experimental research programs on the study of the consciousness from a scientific point of view.

We thank Federico Faggin for the inspiration he gave to our group and to all the students who attended the event.

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