
IEEEmadC 2018 Idea Stage

Think you can code? IEEEmadC The prizes are now officially announced; do you want to win the 1st prize? It’s time to submit an outstanding idea! The IEEEmadC (Mobile Application…

2018 IEEE Annual Election

The 15th of August balloting for the 2018 IEEE Annual Election has begun, and we hope all the member will take the time to exercise their vote and help choose…


The IEEE Politecnico di Torino Student Branch participated actively at the ISCAS 2018 conference, held in Florence at the end of May. The International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)…

Young Professional Demo competition @ RTSI 2018

The IEEE Young Professional (YP) is a program focused on helping young people evaluate their career goals, polish their professional image and create the building blocks of a lifelong and…

IEEE Italy Section ABB Award 2018

Master Thesis Award and the PhD Thesis Award on New Challenges for Energy and Industry are announced by the IEEE Italy Section together with its Chapters and WIE Affinity Group….

The Student Branch is on LINKEDIN

Now, it is possible to found Politecnico di Torino IEEE Student Branch also on Linkedin. Politecnico di Torino IEEE Student Branch is pleased to announce the launch of the brand-new…

PhD Presentation Day

The PhD Presentation Day was a successful event. Several speakers shared their experience with the students. We hope that the PhD community of Politecnico di Torino continues to grow in…

First Member Meeting

First meeting of the IEEE Student Members! Nice ideas for the future! Keep following us for next events.