Dear Member,
thank you all for actively participating to the SB events and activities!
But now we need your to continue the activities and follow the taken path. Actually, in October we will organize elections for the Executive Committee both of the IEEE Student Branch and of the newly born Women in Engineering Affinity Group. Any IEEE student member can apply for one of these positions if currently enrolled at the Politecnico di Torino (and being WIE member to participate to the WIE).
Open Position in the Student Branch Executive Committee:
– Chair
– Vice-Chair
– Treasurer
– Secretary
– WebMaster
Open Position in the Women in Engineering Executive Committee:
– Chair
– Vice-Chair
– Treasurer
– Secretary
– WebMaster
You can find more information about the roles at, but feel free to contact us for any question, doubt or to ask additional information. Don’t forget that even if each has somewhat different duties, it is important to work together as a team.
You can apply for one the positions sending an email to
Elections will take place in the second part of October to choose the new officers. It is a great occasion to get involved and demonstrate your skills, don’t miss it!
Follow us on our social media to stay updated!
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