Workshop at the IEEE 2015 International Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2015)
Sendai, JAPAN, May 25 – 28, 2015.
Date of Workshop: May 25, 2015
## Submission (Extended Summary) deadline: 28 Feb, 2015 20 March, 2015 (Extended) ##
Workshop Chair: Hisashi Handa (Kindai University)
Scope and Theme:
In this workshop, we will informally discuss your novel ideas on evolutionary computation and intelligent systems. In order to exchange such novel ideas frankly, the workshop will have the form of the poster presentations with short talks. This workshop does not require any papers since we would like to collect a large number of concept-level ideas, which may not have had technical evidences yet. However, if you need to publish a paper for presentation, we will edit proceedings for this workshop.
NOTE that this proceedings is separate from the proceedings of the CEC 2015, that is, the papers of this workshop will not submit to IEEE Xplore. We do not ask the authors to transfer copyrights for this workshop paper so that you can send the paper to another conferences after the workshop.
The theme of this workshop is not only on evolutionary computation but also on intelligent systems. The reason of such broad theme is that the diversity is a key notion in the reproductions, as you know. Any aspects of the methodologies and applications on evolutionary
computation and intelligent systems are welcome for submission.
Topics of interest:
- Evolutionary Computation
- Computational Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Agents and Complex Systems
- Bioinformatics
- Information Technology
- Social Networks
- Artificial Life and Application
- Distributed Systems
- Multi Agent Systems
- Human Centric Systems
Submission deadline: 28 Feb, 2015 20 March, 2015 (Extended)
Notification of acceptance: 25th March, 2015
The following information should be sent to the workshop chair, Dr. Hisashi Handa, handa -at-, by email.
– Theme of Workshop: New Directions of Evolutionary Computation and Intelligent Systems
– Name of presenter
– Title
– Extended Summary (about 600 words) or Full Paper.
The submission format for the full paper is the same as of CEC2015, at
In order to participate this workshop, full or student registration of CEC 2015 is needed.
NOTE that we do not have any VISA support for presenters who present their papers on ONLY workshops.