Note for presenters

[Oral Papers] Authors of papers accepted for oral presentation will have a 17-min presentation, a 2-min discussion, and 1-min laptop changing time. Please strictly observe this time limit in order to facilitate people moving between session. We will provide an LCD projector and a screen for each presenter. However, authors must bring their own laptop or to borrow one from another author presenting in the same session. Authors are required to be in the room of their session at least 10 minutes before the sessions starts, so that they have enough time to set up their presentation and to meet the chair of the session.

[Poster Papers] On May 27, 2015, there will be poster sessions with refreshments. Each poster session will last 2 hours plus 1 hour extra discussion. The boards will be available from noon on May 27, so that poster presenters can set up their posters on time. Each board has the following dimensions: 1.2 meters wide x 1.8 meters high (2.1 meters with legs). Thus, please print out a poster with appropriate dimensions to fit these boards. We will provide pins for holding the posters. Each board will have a paper number indicating the location in which each poster must be placed. Please check this before placing your poster, to avoid any possible overlaps with another poster presenter.

Dimensions of poster board

At the beginning of the poster session, any poster presenter can make a 2-min short presentation toward entire attendees of CEC2015. He can show two or three-page slides in order to stimulate the audience. In a short presentation, the importance of the approach, and highlight of the research outcome can be shown. Attendees can visit interesting posters after short oral presentations. Poster presenters are expected to be next to their poster during the poster session. Poster presenters are kindly required to remove their posters, once the session finishes.

Those who want to present a 2-min short oral presentation in the poster session, send your two or three page slides in PDF by May 18 Monday, 2015 to murata -at- with the subject of
“CEC2015: Poster Presentation Paper ID: XXXXX” in your e-mail. Thank you very much.