Download the WiSEE 2013 Call For Papers
Topics of Particular Interest
Papers and posters are sought that address solutions to problems in all areas of wireless sensing and communication in space and extreme environments related to spaceflight, including but not limited to the following:
- Low-power active wireless sensors, systems, and networks
- Passive wireless sensors, systems, and networks
- RFID devices and systems
- Protocols and architectures for delay and disruption tolerant networking
- Network architectures, middleware integration, and data management
- Cognitive radio networks
- Localization and tracking over wireless links
- Antenna design, smart antennas, beam-forming, and multiple-antenna techniques
- Propagation modeling for planetary surfaces and complex multipath environments
- Wireless and cyber security
- Optical communication systems
- Availability, certification, and spaceflight qualification for wireless devices and systems
- Integrated vehicle systems
Only accepted and presented papers will be considered for inclusion at IEEE Xplore Digital library.
Important Deadlines
Paper/poster submission (Firm Deadline) | July 1, 2013 |
Acceptance notification | September 1, 2013 |
Final Paper submission and Registration | October 1, 2013 |