Extended Paper Deadline – Aug 1, 2013
2013 IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE)
Due to numerous requests to extend the paper submission deadline, the WiSEE TPC is pleased to announce that we will continue to accept paper submissions through August 1, 2013 at 11:59pm EDT. It is important to note that submitted papers should be related to local Wireless systems in space and extreme environment topics, and authors must ensure that their submission details the connection and application to these topics. Generic wireless related and non-Wireless space-related papers will not receive high review scores. Authors may update their submissions up until to the above deadline.
WiSEE 2013 will be held in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, November 7-9 directly after the IEEE Sensors 2013 conference at the same venue. The WiSEE conference will bring together investigators from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), the European Space Agency (ESA), and other space agencies, along with aerospace and space defense industry representatives and academic researchers, in an effort to understand and solve the emerging problems facing wireless sensing and communication in space and related extreme environments.
Keynote Speakers: Scott Burleigh (NASA JPL), Anthony Ephremides (University of Maryland), Mark Kaufman (Aerojet), Jeff Voas (NIST). As a result of NASA travel restrictions, Scott will present his keynote virtually.
Poster abstracts and full papers will be reviewed by highly qualified international technical program committee members to assure the highest quality in published papers. Only accepted papers that have been presented at the conference, may be submitted for publishing in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Conference financial co-sponsors include the IEEE-USA, IEEE Canada, IEEE Baltimore Section, and the UFFC Society. Technical co-sponsors include IEEE ComSoc and IEEE APS societies as well as the IEEE Committee on RFID.
For more information on submission guidelines and the conference committee, please visit http://site.ieee.org/wisee or contact the technical program chairs at wisee2013-chairs@edas.info