Advisory Committee
Waree Kongprawechnon (SIIT)
Jirasak Chanwutitum (KMUTNB)
Sawai Pongswatd (KMITL)
Diew Koolpiruck (KMUTT)
Manop Wngsaisuwan (CU)

Program Chairs
Itthisek Nilkhamhang (SIIT)
Chirdpong Deelertpaiboon (KMUTNB)
Sathaporn Yoosomboon (KMUTNB)
Apinai Rerkratn (KMITL)
Sudchai Boonto (KMUTT)
Issarapong Khuankrue (KMUTT)
David Banjerdpongchai (CU)
Peerayot Sanposh (KU)

Sudchai Boonto (KMUTT)
Email: sudchai.boo(at)kmutt.ac.th

Organized by
Dept of Control Systems and Instrumentation Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi 

Technical Co-Sponsors


The 13th Senior Project Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation (ICA SP-CON 2022) will be held on May 5, 2022, organized by the Dept of Control Systems and Instrumentation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi. The presentation will be online mode via the Discord App. (https://discord.gg/v777BrhX) The aims of ICA SP-CON 2022 are to bring together 4th-year undergraduate students to present their senior projects or cooperative/work-integrated learning projects and to provide a chance for exchange on teaching approaches among faculty members from partnership universities. Topics of the conference include but are not limited to the following areas:

▪ Instrumentation Engineering
▪ Control Engineering
▪ Automation Engineering
▪ Mechatronics Engineering
▪ System Identification
▪ Dynamic Models
▪ State Estimation
▪ Robotics
▪ Embedded System
▪ Automatic Control
▪ Advanced Process Control
▪ Computer Vision
▪ Image Processing
▪ AI/Machine Learning

 Important Dates

Deadline for Extended Abstract Submission: April 22, 2022
Deadline for Registration: April 22, 2022
Deadline for Poster Submission: April 29, 2022
Conference Date: May 5, 2022

Paper Submission ICA SP-CON 2022 accepts both senior projects and co-op/WIL projects for interactive poster sessions. Each project must be approved by the program chair from each university before submission. Students shall submit:

  1.  Extended abstract including title, students’ names, advisors, affiliation, and content within two A4 pages. Poster using A1 size (portrait orientation). The poster and extended abstract can be written in Thai or English. The template of the extended abstract and poster can be downloaded from the conference webpage.
  2. All extended abstracts in doc and pdf and posters in pdf must be submitted electronically to email: ica.spcon2022@gmail.com. If there is any inquiry, please contact the secretariat.


Registration: Students register via https://forms.gle/RGsDt4yLomWArqZH6

Further Information: http://sites.ieee.org/thailand-css/ica-spcon-2022/




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