Cascade of electronic transitions in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
Dr. Dillon Wong, Assoc. Research Scholar, Princeton
Fri March 3, 11:30 AM – Virtual Event – Free!

Twisted bilayer graphene, a material constructed from rotating two sheets of graphene relative to each other, displays electronic properties not found in single graphene sheets. When rotated to the so-called “magic-angle”, approximately 1.05 degrees, twisted bilayer graphene exhibits correlated insulating, superconducting, and magnetic behavior that is tunable via electrostatic gating. Possible applications include superefficient information storage and processing, and rotation/twisting-controlled electronics.
The exotic electronic states found in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene are believed to arise from strong electron-electron interactions that occur when partially filling the system’s flat electronic bands. I will review a series of experiments that use a scanning tunneling microscope to investigate the strength of the electron-electron interactions, as well as the nature of the superconducting state.

Dillon Wong is an associate research scholar at Princeton, where he has led teams in building facilities for 2-D materials fabrication, and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM).
He earned a physics PhD at UC Berkeley, where among other projects he used STM to image, characterize, and manipulate charged defects in gate-tunable graphene field-effect transistors made from exfoliated and chemical-vapor-deposition-grown graphene.
Dillon has published 22 peer-reviewed papers, including some in Nature and Science, and was awarded 1 US patent.