Are you a PhD candidate at Politecnico di Torino?
Take the opportunity to participate in the new edition of PitchD seminars: the PhD’s Pitch. The seminars organized for sharing PhD knowledge at our University. Improve your public speaking skills and share your research with students, other PhD candidates and academic staff. Take the opportunity to meet people interested in your work and ready to collaborate with you, or just prepare the speech for your next conference. Give a glimpse of your experience so far (conferences, abroad periods, publications and so on). The aim is to present to a broad audience the research carried out in our university, eventually motivating students to undertake this path in their future career.
Participation as a speaker is open to all PhD students (external candidates from companies and other universities are also considered). At the end of the event, an IEEE certificate of attendance will be provided.
Each PitchD seminar is scheduled as follows:
- A brief introduction to the IEEE student branch and the PitchD seminars.
- Brief introduction of the first speaker.
- First speaker speech (15 minutes)
- First speaker question time (5 minutes)
- Brief introduction of the second speaker
- Second speaker speech (15 minutes)
- Second speaker question time (5 minutes)
- Brief introduction of the third speaker
- Third speaker speech (15 minutes)
- Third speaker question time (5 minutes)
- Acknowledge and certificate presentation
- Social buffet and networking time
IMPORTANT: the seminars are recorded and published on YouTube. If you have any problem with disclosing your speech or you just don’t want to be published on YouTube, you MUST communicate it in advance. The PitchD will be open to everybody, and you will be in any case on the flyer (title, abstract, picture), yet the video will not be available on YouTube nor recorded.
The application can be done by writing a message to us at any moment (using the email, the contact form or contacting us on social platforms). The seminars will be held for the entire year, therefore there is no official deadline for the application. You are invited to send us the required material as soon as possible so that we have time to inform the audience about your speech. Yet, the attendance can be confirmed without sending the whole material. We will provide you the official slides template of the speech.
What to send us:
- Title of the speech
- Picture of the speaker
- Extended abstract (max 150 words)
- Short abstract (max 50 words)
- Bio (max 150 words)
For any doubt or question do not hesitate to contact us! We are looking forward to your participation! The participation in the event, either as a speaker or in the audience, is free of charge.
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