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It has been decided that IEEE AUST Student Branch will try to arrange 3-4 workshops and two seminars per semester. Since engineering education cannot be completed without any practical knowledge and industries are the best place to acquire that knowledge, IEEE AUST SB will try to arrange an industrial tour each semester. IEEE AUST SB is also enthusiastic to arrange several other events such as job fair or project show or larger events in collaboration with IEEE Bangladesh Section.

Details about our upcoming and past events can be found below.

Industrial Tour 2017 to Energypac Engineering Ltd. @ Energypac Engineering Ltd.
Feb 8 all-day
Industrial Tour 2017 to Energypac Engineering Ltd. @ Energypac Engineering Ltd. | Savar | Bangladesh

Every year IEEE AUST SB organizes an industrial tour for the members for gaining technical knowledge. This year we are going to organize the industrial tour to the most renowned “Energypac Engineering Ltd.” located at Baruipara, Savar.


About Energypac:

Energypac is one of the most established and prestigious company for manufacturing electrical components in Bangladesh. They’re very student friendly and cooperative for tours to their factories. 


The workshop will be instructed by expert engineers of Energypac.

Event Details:

Date: 08-02-2017 (Wednesday)
Time: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Venue: Energypac Engineering Ltd. Baruipara, Savar

Additional Information:

  • Seats are very limited. Only those who are highly interested to join in this tour and can definitely join the tour if selected, are requested to fillup the form. IEEE Members will have the highest priority during selection procedure. Here is the registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSetMw88tFmTTdNl6vYLAv1V6rh8mxnoPf_SUKjfdKzV8Y9h0w/viewform 
  • Registration deadline: 2nd February, 2017 (11:59pm)
  • Fee for IEEE members: 250BDT
    Fee for Non-IEEE members: To Be Announced
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Refreshment will be provided.
  • This event is only for students of AUST
  • Senior students will be given priority for selection.

Contact information:

Maskura Nafreen Niti (01620 905513)

Toushif Adnan (01676 234342)

Fariha Mahzabin Islam (01685 646530)

Nuruzzaman Shagor (01681 685409)

Muhammad Ahsan Nahiyan (01521 444696)

Shaer Ahmed (01823 192288)

Rethinking IEEE AUST Student Branch @ Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology
Aug 6 @ 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Rethinking IEEE AUST Student Branch @ Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology

IEEE AUST Student Branch is the student branch of IEEE in Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka and is the only professional and international student organization in AUST. Formed in 2003, IEEE AUST Student Branch is the first student branch in a private university and 4th student branch to be formed throughout the country and is one of the most vibrant branch of IEEE Bangladesh Section. To revolutionize the activities of our student branch, we are coming forward with some exotic features to reintroduce our branch.

This Sunday, 6th August, 2017 we cordially invite you to join our rebranding ceremony. This grand event is designed to include the the following activities-

  • Introducing our new logo
  • Launching of the official website
  • Inauguration of our new notice board.
  • Launching of our first app.
  • Membership drive for 2018.



Date: 6th August, 2017 (Sunday)

Time: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Venue: Room 4A03, Dept. of EEE, Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology.



  • There is no registration fee for this event.
  • All participants must fill up this free form: https://goo.gl/forms/q3xYflTQhbBhxzL33
  • You must confirm your registration by sending an SMS to +8801823192288 in this format: Name <space> Department <space> Year <dot> Semester. Example: Shaer Ahmed EEE 4.1
  • The SMS has to be sent by 10:00 PM, 5th August, 2017.



All students interested in activities of IEEE and IEEE AUST Student Branch are cordially invited in the event.



Md. Ahsan Nahiyan (+8801723888237)

Shaer Ahmed (+8801823192288)

Md Irfanuzzaman (+880184649976)