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Annual General Meeting 2017 – Report

IEEE AUST Student Branch held the Annual General Meeting of 2017 on 24th May, 2017. The meeting started at 4:00pm and lasted for two and a half hours). The meeting started off with opening remarks from our Student Counselor, Mr. Masoodur Rahman Khan followed by a visual presentation by our former chair person, Maskura Nafreen Niti.

On her presentation, Maskura Nafreen Niti gave detailed information about all the activities performed by the student branch last year. She also gave valuable insights on the challenges and difficulties she faced when organizing such events and how she dealt with them. She expressed her feelings on working with this Student Branch and how much fun she had working with her fellow committee members.

This presentation was then met with the power handover ceremony where the former Chair, Maskura Nafreen Niti, passed her mantel to Md. Ahsan Nahiyan, new Chair of the student branch. Md. Ahsan Nahiyan then gave a short speech on his vision for this year’s progress regarding the seminars and workshop, how he wishes to maintain the IEEE culture amongst the newly admitted students and how he will try to make all these into reality.

Before the conclusion of the meeting former treasurer, Nuruzzaman Shagor, gave a brief insight on the financial report of the branch activities to give everyone an idea of the current economic position of the branch. He then handed over the year end balance sheet to the newly appointed Treasurer, Ms. Shaila Sharmin.

The AGM finally concluded at 6:30 pm with the closing remarks from our student counselor.

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