Paper and Poster Presentations

Please note that all papers NEED to be presented in any of the scheduled formats like Panel, Technical session, Technical forum or Poster. As per IEEE PES publication policy and also indicated in the Call for Papers for ISGT 2017, ONLY those paper that are presented will appear finally in IEEExplore. Industry only abstracts will be presented either through Panel, Technical paper session or Technical Forum.



(Draft Program as of  1 December 2017)

ISGT ASIA Handbook

Only those papers for whom atleast 1 author has registered has been allocated a presentation slot.




IEEE PES_ISGT_ASIA 2017 _Presentation-Template  CLICK HERE



Presentation Guidelines

Oral presentations should typically be no more than 12 minutes and 3 mines for questions at the end of the presentation when there are 6 presenters in a session.  There will be computers, projectors and speakers in all of the conference rooms, but you may also connect your own laptop. Mac users will need to bring their own VGA adapters.

Chairs and presenters are asked to be in the room 10 minutes before the scheduled start time so they can get organized with presentation files, laptop hookups, etc.

Instructions for Session Chair

The Chair of a session has the essential task of making sure that the session runs smoothly. This entails more than just keeping time, although this is an important aspect of being a Chair. The Chair is charged with making sure that the presenters feel welcome and that all technical issues are resolved.

Since time is limited, it must be watched, and all scheduled presenters should have the same opportunity to present their material. Presentations  exceeding the time limit not only interfere with other presentations in the same session, but may also cause delays in other sessions, or prevent the audience from moving on to following sessions in a timely manner. Each presenter has 12 minutes for their presentation and 3 minutes for questions.

  • The Chair should not allow a speaker to receive questions after the full 15 minutes for the presentation are up. However, the Chair can suggest that any further questions be addressed after all speakers have concluded, in the interest of time.
  • In order for the Chair to communicate the time remaining in a non-obtrusive way, note cards marked “5 minutes,” “1 minute,” and “Please finish!” will be provided for all session Chairs (available in the room of the session). Make sure the presenter acknowledges these warnings.
  • It may be a good idea to sit in the front row, facing the presenter during the presentation. Do not hesitate to ask someone to conclude if they ignore the final note card.
  • Please inform the presenters about these procedures before the session begins.

The following lists a few additional things to keep in mind, and hints on how to make the session enjoyable for audience and presenters.

Before the session:

  • Make sure you know which session you are to chair; check for any scheduling clashes with any other commitments and notify the Program Committee if you cannot serve as session chair.
  • At the conference, arrive at the room of the session at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the session.
  • Check the technology and alert any of the technicians or student volunteers of any problems.
  • Greet the speakers and make sure that everyone scheduled to speak is present, and that all presentations have been loaded on to the computer (including your own if you are to present in the session).
  • Explain your role to the presenters, so they know to look at you for cues.

During the session:

  • Introduce yourself to the audience and give a brief introduction of the speakers and the overall topic.
  • Explain the time allocation – each presenter has 12 minutes to present, and 3 minutes for questions. Explain also that after 15 minutes have passed the next presenter will be introduced.
  • Introduce the first presenter. Check the time when the presentation starts.
  • Place yourself so that the presenter can see you without any trouble.
  • Be ready to assist with any technical problems.
  • Make sure the presenter adheres to the time limit.
  • After the presentation, ask if there are any questions, and make sure the questions do not cause the presentation to be too long. If questions remain after the time is up, suggest that the discussion resume after the session. Make sure more than one person gets to ask questions if they want to.

After the session:

  • If there is time left, suggest a discussion of topics relevant to the presentations.
  • Thank the presenters and the audience for their attention and conclude the session.


ISGT-ASIA 2017 will use a concept in technical sessions, known as the Paper Forum that is being used in IEEE PES General Meetings. The purpose of paper forum sessions is to respond to a larger group of papers around a specific topic for very quick and innovative presentation. The paper forum allows the authors an opportunity to interest attendees in learning more about their paper and the investigation it represents.

Paper Forum logistics: A Paper Forum session will be held in a special location provided with a podium and microphone (ISGT ASIA 2017 -Location Map here in the space marked as 25 single-sided stand_Aisle) along with easels, flip charts, and posters. The session coordinator will introduce the presenters and their topic. Each presenter will then have 3–5 minutes to briefly describe why the paper was written, what type of investigation was performed, and what results were obtained. The session coordinator and presenters may also decide to use 3–5 slides to support presentations.

When the group of papers have been introduced by this process, attendees will then be given the opportunity to individually spend the remainder of the segment interacting with the authors. Presenters are encouraged to provide supporting information to assist in the explanation of their paper to attendees. This could include figures, text, equations, etc. on printed media for which boards will be provided for display or their own laptop computer screens suitable for viewing from a short distance.





In a Poster Session, the illustrations are mounted on a poster board which is then mounted on an easel. The illustrations may consist of equations, graphs, photographs, and short text bullets.

The Poster Session papers are not presented sequentially as in Paper or Panel Sessions or in Directed Educational Programs. Rather, all papers in a poster session are presented simultaneously with each author standing or sitting next to a poster. The author should be prepared to give a short presentation and answer questions from those attending. The audience does not stay in one place, but is expected to walk from one poster to another, listen to the presentation by the author, and talk to the authors about their work. Discussion is therefore one-on-one with the interested party rather than directed toward a general audience.


IEEE PES_ISGT_ASIA 2017 _Poster_Portrait-Template  CLICK HERE (Portrait Version)

IEEE PES_ISGT_ASIA 2017 _Poster_Landscape-Template  CLICK HERE (Landscape Version)


Illustrations should be made for ease of viewing by persons who will typically stand or sit about two meters (six feet) from the display. (For information on how to prepare good illustrations, refer to Guidelines for Preparing Visuals for PES Presentations.) The illustrations will be arranged and secured to a poster board by the author at the meeting. The poster board to be provided for ISGT 2017 will appear as shown below (TBC).  Authors must fit all of their poster material in the space allotted.


Much of the session will consist of one-on-one discussion between the author and persons who have an interest in the topic.

Recognizing that many attendees will plan their schedule around the published session times, authors are required to be in the session room at their poster location for the entire session, except for minimal absence for short breaks.


Best poster award has been arranged and assessment will be carried out during the poster session by a judging pool from the visiting international experts attending the conference.

ISGT Poster Board_Linda_2