Nirmal Nair has BE from M.S. University, Baroda, ME in High Voltage from IISC and PhD from Texas A&M. He has held industry, research & academic posts in India, USA and NZ. Currently, he is an Associate Professor in Electrical & Computer Eng. at University of Auckland. He works on protection, renewable grid integration, electricity markets, blackouts, restoration & resilience and engages on industry projects through consultancy. He is passionate about life-long-learning, energy policy, innovation and media outreach.
He is actively involved with IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) and NZ Electricity Engineers Association (EEA). He is CIGRE NZNC Executive Committee member and its AORC representative since 2008, elected as Secretary (2014-17) and Observer Member for CIGRE B5 (Protection and Automation) since 2010 participating and leading working groups He was the General Organizing Chair 2017 CIGRE AUCKLAND.
In IEEE PES he has held various leadership positions and was nominated as Candidate IEEE Division VII (Power & Energy) Director Elect 2017 and Candidate IEEE PES Treasurer (2018-19) . He was the General Organizing Chair for IEEE PES 2012 POWERCON held in Auckland and currently the General Chair for IEEE PES ISGT-ASIA 2017.