Neville R. Watson (SM’99) received the B.E. (Hons.) and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Canterbury, Canterbury, New Zealand.He is currently a Professor with the University of Canterbury. His interests include power quality and steady-state and dynamic analysis of ac/dc power systems.
Neville was appointed to the academic staff at the University of Canterbury in September 1987 where he has been teaching and performing research into various aspects of power systems and power electronics. Neville’s main areas have been; Computer Modelling of Electrical power systems, HVDC, power quality, harmonics and electromagnetic transients. He has coauthored seven books, three chapters of books and approximately 200 technical papers. Neville has been very active in professional societies and is a member of CIGRE AP C4 committee on Technical Performance, joint Australia/New Zealand standards committee EL034 on Power Quality. In the past Neville has been a contributing member of various other standards & IEEE committees. He has over the years also helped industry to solve issues by undertaking various consultancy jobs (under the auspices of Canterprise and later EPECentre when established) . He has been the PI on the FRST/MSI Power Quality project. Neville is a senior member of IEEE, member of IPENZ and IET (UK). He is also a Charted Professional Engineer, CPEng(NZ), on the International Professional Engineers register, Int.PE(NZ), and a Practice Area Assessor for IPENZ.