Student Poster Competition

The Student Poster Competition (SPC) award consists of a certificate, and represents a prestigious recognition of the student’s achievement. Students who are submitting abstracts for presentation are also invited to participate in the SPC (see “Requirements” below for conditions). Furthermore, students are highly encouraged to become a student member of the IEEE and UFFC professional societies. Abstracts submitted by students for the Student Poster Competition will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of the joint conference. At that time the TPC will select 15-20 finalists for the SPC. The finalists will be notified and asked to produce a poster to be displayed during a special student poster session. At the time of the poster presentation, the finalist is required to be a registered member of IEEE and UFFC. The poster is required independent of whether the student’s abstract has been selected as an oral presentation. The students should check the guidelines for poster presentation for the preparations of their posters. All Student Finalist Posters will be presented at the first day of the conference for judging by a panel of judges representing Program Technical Themes. The posters will remain on display for the duration of the conference. Five awards (one from each theme) will be given and the winners will be announced and honored during the conference banquet. Requirements

  • Student is the first author
  • Work is of high quality and done by the student
  • Abstract clearly describes the work and includes results
  • Student has not won this award previously from any of the IEEE International Symposium on The Applications of Ferroelectrics
  • At the time of the poster presentation, the finalist is required to be a registered member of IEEE and UFFC
  • On-line registration by 28 Feb 2015 20 Mar 2015 for attending the conference and declare in participation at the SPC.

Register and Declare Participation at the SPC

Deadline28 Feb 2015 20 Mar 2015

  • Login at
  • Click “Meeting Registration” from the left menu
  • Fill the registration form and be sure to:
    • Fill the abstract ID you will be presenting
    • Tick the “I wish to particpate in the Student Poster Competition (SPC)” checkbox
    • Select a student registration category
  • Save the registration form, and upload the student proof.
  • Wait for secretariat to verify the student proof. After that you can proceed with registration fee payment.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Clarity of student’s presentation
  • Depth of student’s knowledge
  • Degree of the student’s contribution to the project
  • Relevancy of the work to the conference topics