The Communication Society (ComSoc) is creating a data base of Experts (with rich experience). They are called Local Distinguished Lecturer and Distinguished Experts. They are well known in the field. They have agreed to get associated with ComSoc and IEEE. They will be available for guest lecture/speakers, invited speakers, keynote speakers at any host organizations if wishes so. But, organization needs to confirm and fix the schedule well in advance. They are reachable through ComSoc Bangalore representative. Please contact – Dr Navin Kumar ( to fix their appointment. No geography and boundaries are defined. [If you think, you can fit in this category and would like to be included here. Please send your brief profile with affiliation and photo to this contact]. The team will decide your candidature and inform you.
Dr Dilip Krishnaswamy – Vice President Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd. India
Executive Leadership Certificate, Cornell University, 2016.
Dr Dilip Krishnaswamy is currently serving as Vice President (New Technology Initiatives) at Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd. He has a PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Previously, he has worked as a senior scientist at IBM Research, as a senior staff researcher in the office of the chief scientist at Qualcomm, and as a platform architect at Intel, and has taught at the University of California, Davis. He is an inventor on 60+ granted US patents, and has 70+ publications, with 3 best paper awards. His research interests include distributed information processing, distributed function virtualization, distributed resource management, blockchain technology, edge services, NFV/SDN, NB-IoT, AI/ML, and 5G architecture & systems. He served as the Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Wireless Communications from 2009-2014. He recently chaired the Pat Goldberg CS/EE/Math best paper competition for IBM Research worldwide (late 2014 to early 2018). He is a B.Tech (electronics and communications engineering) alumnus of IIT Madras. .
Prof. K V S Hari – Indian Institute of Science (IISc)Bangalore 
K. V. S. Hari received his Ph.D. degree from the University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA, in 1990.Since 1992, he has been with the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, where he is currently a Professor and coordinates the activities of the Statistical Signal Processing Laboratory. He was an Affiliated Professor (2010-16) with the Department of Signal Processing, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. He has been a Visiting Faculty Member with Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA; KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; and Aalto University, Espoo, Finland (formerly Helsinki University of Technology). While at Stanford University, he worked on multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless channel modelling and co-authored the Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access standard on wireless channel models for fixed-broadband wireless communication systems, which proposed the Stanford University Interim channel models. He was also with the Defence Electronics Research Laboratory, Hyderabad, and the Research and Training Unit for Navigational Electronics, Osmania University. His research interests include the development of signal processing algorithms for MIMO wireless communication systems, sparse signal recovery problems, indoor positioning, assistive technologies for the elderly, and neuroscience. Dr. Hari was an Editor of Elsevier’s EURASIP journal Signal Processing (2006-16) and is currently the Senior Associate Editor of Springer’s Indian Academy of Sciences journal, SADHANA. He is an Academic Entrepreneur and a Co-founder of the company ESQUBE Communication Solutions, Bangalore. He received the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers S. V. C. Aiya Award for Excellence in Telecom Education and the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Osmania University College of Engineering, Hyderabad. He is a Fellow of the Indian NAE and a Fellow of IEEE.
Dr Aloknath De – Corporate VP and CTO – Samsung Electronics
Dr Aloknath De is an accomplished individual with over 20 years of experience in Research & Development and at senior position. He has worked at senior position in ST-Ericsson, ST Microelectonics, Hughes Software Systems, Notel Networks in the past. He is currently the Corporate Vice President and CTO Samsung Electronics India. He has over 20 patents, many product developed and over 60 peer review journals and conference proceedings to his credit. He has many recognition and awards, both national and international. Dr Aloknath is often available for talk (subject to time availability) and love to interact with faculty and students. He is senior member IEEE and fellow of IETE. His research area is IoT and Cognitive IoT apart from 5G and NBIoT.
Dr A Paventham – Addl Director, ERNET
Dr Paventhan Arumugam is Additional Director (R&D) with ERNET India (autonomous society under the Ministry of Electronics and IT) and head of the regional centres of Bangalore and Chennai. At ERNET, he has handled R&D projects, in the domains of Internet of Things, Mobile IPv6, EU funded MyFIRE Future Internet and Educational Cloud. Prior to joining ERNET, he held scientific and research positions at National Informatics Centre (HQ), New Delhi, C-DAC, Bangalore and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), Oxford, UK. Dr. A. Paventhan, has received M.Tech Computer Applications from IIT Delhi and PhD in the field of Grid computing from the University of Southampton, UK under the research scholarship award within the School of Engineering Sciences. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, a member of Internet Society (ISOC) and Senior Member of ACM. His current research interests include protocols and standards for Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud computing and Software Defined Networking.
Dr Navin Kumar – Associate Professor, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (University), Bangalore
Dr Navin has over 24 years of industry and teaching experience which includes around 10 years of overseas experience in teaching and research and development. He has over 80 peer review journals and conference proceedings along with a book and book chapter. Many of his works got best paper awards in international very good conferences, journal. He receieved Fraunhofer Challenge award for the best thesis (2010-11), recieved Gowri Memborial award (2009) for the best journal, FCT research award (2008-2011). Currently he is an Associate Professor in ECE Dept. of Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bangalore Campus. He often delivers tutorial and talk at major events including flagship conference IEEE ICC, WCNC. His research areas are 5G Wireless Technology, mmWave Technology, Visible Light Communications, Intelligent Transportation Systems and Smart City.
Prasad Mantri – Semiconductor Inc.
Mr Prasad Mantri is working in the semiconductor design industry for the past 25+ years. He has worked in chip design industry designing microprocessors, network processors, CAM for the network processing industries. He has also worked at Silicon Graphics, Synopsys, Silicon Access Networks (Network process Startup), Micron, Sun Microsystems/Oracle Inc. His current interest is in the area of Universal Internet access and technology requirements needed for the 4 billion people in the world who do not have internet access. He has been on the ITRS (International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors) committee defining the semiconductor roadmap for Test equipments. Currently he is working with the IEEE Internet initiative to bring out a white paper on universal Internet access.
Dr. R Venkatesha Prasad – Prof TUDelft, Netherland
Dr. R Venkatesha Prasad has close to 20 years of experience in teaching and research. Many new ideas including a conjecture, were formulated and tested by developing an application suite based on the research findings. One of his works developing many real-time applications including bridging anonymous VoIP calls called Click-to-Talk for portlas. While at Esqube, eight patent applications and three PCT applications were filed along with his colleagues. Esqube was selected as top 100 IT innovators in India in 2006 by NASSCOM and top 100 in promising companies in Asia by RedHerring in 2008. He worked for Esqube from 2006 to 2009 on a part-time basis as a senior design consultant. In 2005, he joined TUDelft as a PostDoc to work on the EU FP7 Magnet Project and the Dutch project PNP-2008 on Personal Networks (PNs). His work involved evolving PN network architecture and foreign communication. The work resulted in an ECMA report. He also started working on Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) and 60GHz networks for future homes. He is contributing to IEEE standards on CRNs. Now, his work involves the Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber Physical systems (CPS) and energy harvesting networks. He is working on EU funded iCore project on IoT. The work at TUDelft resulted in around 200 publications. Currently, he is working on IoT/CPS, Tactile Internet, LoRa and has started working on Space Applications with a leading space research organization.
Dr Debabrata Das – Professor and Hewlett Packard Chair, International Institute of Technology, Bangalore (IIITB)
Dr. Debabrata Das is serving as Professor and Hewlett Packard Chair at IIIT-Bangalore (IIITB). Before joining IIIT-B, he had served at G S Sanyal School of Telecommunication at IIT Kharagpur and later at Kirana Networks in New Jersey, USA. His main areas of research interest are IoT and Wireless Access Network’s MAC, QoS, Power saving. He has more than 110 peer reviewed papers in different Transaction/Journals and International Conferences. His 7 patents are under review. He and his wireless network team had contributed three ideas to IEEE 802.16m Broadband Wireless Standard. Dr Das has received Prof. K. Sreenivasan Memorial Award 2017 for excellent teaching in the areas of Telecommunication from IETE. Dr. Das has received Global IEEE MGA Achievement Award 2012 and Outstanding Volunteer Award-2008 IEEE Bangalore Section. He is Fellow-IETE, Fellow-IE and SM-IEEE. He is Chairman of IEEE Bangalore Section and IT-Service Management Forum India (itSMF); Board Member of IIIT-Bhubaneswar; Technical and Empower Committee member of e-Governance for Govt. of Karnataka. Dr. Das was the first Dean-Academic and R&D of IIIT-Bangalore.
Dr T. Srinivas – Professor, IISc
Prof T Srinivas is currently an Associate Professor at ECE Dept. of IISc Bangalore. He has involved in several academic and professional activities like the Chairman GATE, IISc Zone (2011-13), member of NBA (2010-present), besides acting as reviewer to several journal and conferences, notably IEEE PTL, J of modern optics, JOSA, Sadhana, current science, etc. He has over 20 years of teaching and R& D experience and over 70 peer reviewed journal and conference proceedings to his credit. His area of research is Photonics, Optoelectronics, quantum communication and related stuffs.
Dr Manoj Choudhary – Director Samsung Semiconductor, India,
Dr. Manoj Choudhary is currently the Senior Director and Head of System LSI R&D (Semiconductor chip business) at Samsung Semiconductor India R&D Center, Bangalore. In his current role, he leads the SOC (System on Chip) design & development along with software for various market segments including Wireless Modem (5G/4G), Connectivity, Automotive, Camera image sensors and Power management ICs. Prior to current assignment within Samsung, he was the Director of Digital Media & Communication (DMC R&D) leading 5G Communication and IoT (Internet of Things) R&D along with new standards development. Since 2010, he led SAIT (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology) India, which is Samsung’s corporate technology research lab, at Bangalore for 5 years with futuristic research into multiple domains such as reconfigurable processors, ultra-low power communications, bio-informatics, connected healthcare and battery technologies. He received his Ph.D from IIT Kanpur in Communication systems in 2002 and Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics and Communication Engineering) from University of Jodhpur in 1990. Dr. Manoj has delivered numerous talks and tutorials in national/international conferences and industry forums. He has 26 granted patents (and few more pending applications) in US, Korea, European Union and India. Dr. Manoj is co-author of the book “Ultra Wideband Demystified: Technologies, Applications, and System Design Considerations” published by River
Prof Neelesh B Mehta, IISc Bangalore
Dr Neelesh B. Mehta received his Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA, in 2001, respectively. He is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. Prior to joining IISc in 2009, he served as a research scientist in USA from 2001 to 2007 in companies such as AT&T Research Labs, Broadcom Corporation, and Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL). His research focuses on wireless communications. He has worked on topics related to 3G, 4G, and 5G cellular communication standards, energy harvesting and green wireless sensor networks, cognitive radio, cooperative communications, multi-antenna technologies, and multiple access protocols. He has published 65+ papers in IEEE journals, 3 book chapters, and 80+ conference papers. He is a co-inventor of 30+ issued US patents on these topics. He served on the Board of Governors of the IEEE Communications Society from 2012-15. He is a IEEE Fellow, Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) and the National Academy of Sciences India (NASI). He is a recipient of the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award, Swarnajayanti Fellowship, NASI-Scopus Young Scientist award, INAE Young Engineer award, and Hari Om Ashram Prerit Vikram Sarabhai Research Award. He serves as an editor of the IEEE Transactions on Communications and IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, and as the chair of the Executive Editorial Committee of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
Dr Y V S Lakshmi, CDoT, Bangalore 
Dr Lakshmi received her PhD from IISc Bangalore in 1993 in Electronics and Communication Engg. She has over 25 years of working experience in Industry. Dr Lakshmi is currently working as Group Leader, Intellectual Property Rights, Marketing & KMG (Bangalore) with Centre for Development of Telematics, (C-DOT). She has many achievements and awards to her credit, few of them are: Awarded the prestigious Sir M Visweswariah Award on his 151st birthday for outstanding contributions in engineering field in Karnataka on 15th September 2011; • Represented in IEEE Student/GOLD/WIE Congress, 2011; Emerging technologies realizing innovative ideas that will define a better tomorrow for humanity”, Auckland, New Zealand from July 7-10, 2013 • Represented IEEE WIE Bangalore Section at IEEE Section Congress 2014 on ‘Inspiring our Leaders of tomorrow”, Amsterdam, from Aug 22 -24 , 2014. She is IEEE Senior Member, IEEE Bangalore section, and IEEE-WIE Chairperson 2010 and 2015. Her research interests are in 5G, 5G 5G standards, 5G essential patents IP landscape, IPR, patenting, Etc. Received the prestigious IPR Award for C-DOT in the category of R&D by Govt. of India. Working group member for IPR policy of TSDSI.IPR Handbook for cdot made. Contributed to preparation of Report on “Telecom sector roadmap for innovation 2010-2020”. Several Invited lectures on IPR Law, IPR (in Hindi), Essential patents etc. Chaired a number of technical sessions at various national and International conferences
Subodh Gajare, Senior Architect, Cisco R&D center, Bangalore 
Subodh has over 25 years experience in IT industry. Core activities involve: Platform Development, testing, validation, designing, operations and developing solutions across technologies. Currently he is a Solution Architect for Cisco – Design and implement solutions for Service provider and Enterprise customers – based on SDN/NFV, IoT, Mobility (3G to 5G transformation), Security, Virtualization, Cloud, designing s/w Orchestration platforms for end-2-end management of networks. Subodh is a Technical Leader for incubating IoT industry solutions – in Digital Manufacturing, Smart Cities, Health care, Education , Energy and Transportation. He works as advisor for grooming future Technical leaders/Architects in Cisco. He represents Cisco Networkers (now called Cisco Live) in Asia and US for past 14 years. Cisco Live is an industry event showcasing Cisco Innovative Solutions and architectures in an immersive learning model. He speaks at Cisco Technical leadership Forum globally – in Americas, Europe & Asia Pacific, Panel speaker for Digitization and IoT summits – India and US. Subodh is highly engaged with academia worldwide.
Salil Agarwal, Sr Architect Multi-Access Edge Computing, Nokia
Salil Agarwal has over 18+ years of experience in telecom industry. Salil is currently a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Nokia and works as an Architect in the area of Multi-Access Edge Computing, this involves creating systems and solutions to enable innovative latency sensitive applications at the edge of networks like LTE and 5G. He has earlier worked at Siemens, Nokia Siemens in areas involving Network Management, Signalling Systems, Location Services, WCDMA, Network Function Virtualization etc. His interests include Cloud Computing, Network Function Virtualization, Edge Computing, 5G, Multi-Access techniques etc. He has multiple patent applications and a granted patent as co-inventor; he has contributed to IETF draft in area of Multi-Access Technologies.
Dr Sajal Kumar Das, System Engineering Lead, Intel, Bangalore 
Dr. Sajal Kumar Das, INTEL, MODEM R&D, India. Over the last 20 years, he has extensively worked on 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G mobile receiver algorithms and system architecture design. He has implemented several innovative architectures and algorithms related to mobile phones technology. Before joining Intel, he worked with Ericsson, Nokia, HP, Texas Instruments, STMicroelectronics, and Lucent Technologies. He is the author of three technical books (Mobile Handset Design, Mobile Terminal Receiver Design: LTE and LTE Advanced, Microwave Signal and Systems Engineering) and more than 30 technical papers. He has over 40 US patents granted in the mobile communication field. Has actively participated in 3GPP Mobile and IoT Standardization over last 6 years. Provided several training courses on and deserved speech on GSM/WCDMA/LTE/5G systems, RF systems, Receiver Digital Signal Processing, Embedded systems and IoT.
Ravikanth Pasumarthy, AVP – ARICENT
RaviKanth has around 22 years of experience in wireless and satellite based systems and is working as Assistant Vice President at Aricent. He is the System architect in 4G and 5G areas for both customer and inhouse programs. Ravi has experience in successful conceptualization, architecture, design to delivery of wireless base-stations of various form-factors (macro to small-cell) across GSM/EDGE, 3G and LTE areas for multiple customers. His area of expertise involves Solution engineering, System architecture of complete wireless systems, expertise in PHY and L2/L3 realization. Currently his focus is on soft-PHY design, C/U/M-plane architectures, virtualization, cloud-RAN design for 4G/5G areas.
Subhas Mondal, Chief Architect, Wipro Ltd
Subhas has over 25 years of Engineering experience primarily in Telecom R&D. He is driving adopti on of new technologies in transforming Telecom Networks that include SDN/NFV, 5G, LiFi, Security and AI based network automation solutions as part of Technology BU (Business Unit) CTO function. He is a distinguished member of technical staff in Wipro DMTS community. Subhas is an engineering Graduate from IIT Kharagpur in Electronics and Electrical communications engineering. Prior to joining Wipro, he worked for CDOT as a research Engineer and developed a product from scratch for remote switching need.
Dr. Saptarshi Chaudhari, Chief Architect, Radisys Corporation
Saptarshi Chaudhuri, have 22+ years of extensive working experience broadly in Wireless Communication domain in particular 5G-Research, 5G-System and Link Simulation, LTE/LTE-A Algorithm Research and Design, Wireless Product (RAN, EPC) Design and Development, WCDMA Modem, CDMA2000/IS95 BSC Product Design, 2.5G Femto-BTS Design, IS-136 based Base Station etc., Current he is working as Chief Architect | Researcher | Inventor in Radisys Corporation and heading the 5G RAN System Engineering department. His current area of work involves 5G RAN Product Architecture conceptualization, Macro Scheduler Algorithm development, Innovative Channel Estimation, Interference cancellation algorithms for Massive-MIMO development, Research on Hybrid Beamforming and effect on Scheduler and Estimation, Network Slicing based RAN product research, Split Architecture evaluation for Large scale network deployment, Network Slicing of RAN and AI-ML techniques in RAN algorithms. He has filled 120+ patents applications across multiple countries in the area RAN / Network Slicing, NOMA, RRM, Scheduler, SON, Data-offload, D2D, Cloud-RAN, LiFi with 34 Granted US Patents and 3 Granted European Patents. He has authored many research papers which is published in major International peer reviewed Conferences and Journals. He holds IEEE Senior Member position along with a membership in IEEE COMSOC and Computer Society of India.
Sreeja B
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