Annual Report 2019

IEEE COMSOC Student Branch Chapter, Indian institute of science, bengaluru



  1. The IEEE ComSoc student chapter was started at IISc on 13th January 2011. 

  1.  In the year 2019, we have held the following events: 

    1. Technical Talk on “Virtualization – a key driver for IoT and 5G” by Fawzi Behman on 22nd March 2019.

    2. Technical Talk on “Evolution of Cellular Wireless Technology: 1G to 5G” by Prof. Prasad Guhem on 31st October 2019.

  2. In the remaining of 2020, we plan the following events: 

  1. Technical talks by experts in the industry to help students gain perspective of what the industries work on and bridge the gap between academia and industry. 

  1. Half day workshop on non-technical aspects of research with talks on technical paper writing, how to choose a research problem, how to communicate research, time management, etc. 

  1. Outreach programme by visiting other colleges to give talks and seminars in association with UPP. 

  1. Conduct membership drives in all upcoming conferences including webinar and remote conferences. 

  1. Currently, there are 18 Comsoc members in our institute. 

  1. It is our privilege to host the IISc-IEEE ComSoc events on an official website to reach out to more people. In this regard, I as a chairperson take the responsibility to form a website team to update the website with the latest and upcoming events. 

  1. We are also having plans to come up with more sophisticated and interactive web page designs in the future. 






Email id

Mobile Number



Prof. T. Srinivas



Faculty Advisor


Chandana S Deshpande





Priya J. Nadkarni





Sl No

Event Date


Duration of Event






Technical Talk “Virtualization – a key driver for IoT and 5G”,

by Fawzi Behman,
President, TelNet Management Consulting, Inc.
Vice-Chair, IEEE NA Communications Society

1 hours (16:00-17:00) 



31/10/2019  Technical talk “Evolution of Cellular Wireless Technology: 1G to 5G” by Prasad Gudem, University of California at San Diego

1 hour 




Detailed description of Events:

Event 1

TITLE: Technical Talk on “Virtualization – a key driver for IoT and 5G” 

VENUE: Golden Jubilee Seminar Hall, ECE Department, Indian Institute of Science.


DATE and Time: 22/03/2019, 4:00-5:30 pm. 

Number of participants: IEEE: 15             Non IEEE: 5                               Total: 20   

Details of Resource person:

Fawzi Behman is a thought leader, author, and entrepreneur in technology positioning, advancing the adoption of technology in serving key markets. He spent over 35 years in the industry and held various executive and leadership positions with Tier 1 companies in the areas of communications and networks spanning service provider, equipment vendor, and semiconductor in US and Canada. Being passionate about technology & automation, Fawzi founded TelNet Management Consulting Inc. in 2009 offering professional services in the areas of technology trends, IoT/AI/5G technology positioning, and smart networking solutions development for key markets. Fawzi has been a keynote & distinguished speaker, at several domestic and international conferences. He has several publications including a book on “Collaborative Internet of Things for Future Smart Connected Life and Business ” published by Wiley. Fawzi is currently the vice-chair of IEEE ComSoc for NA, chair of IEEE Central Texas, Region 5 Conference Committee chair, chair of ComSoc&SP and EMBS&Computer Joint chapters. He received several awards from Industry and IEEE.

Brief Description of the Event


Fawzi Behman gave a talk on “Virtualization – a key driver for IoT and 5G ” on 22nd March 2019 at Golden Jubilee Hall, ECE, IISc. Mr. Behman took us through the technological and standards progress, and initiatives for IoT, and 5G. Sample use cases and emerging of ecosystem cloud based solutions were discussed. The talk addressed how virtualization will play an important part in accelerating the adoption of IoT and 5G and services roll-out. The event was organized by the Execom group of the IEEE-IISc ComSoc and IEEE-IISc Student branch. The event was coordinated by Prof T. Srinivas, IEEE-IISc ComSoc chapter advisor and Mrs. Anandi Giridharan, IEEE-IISc Student Branch advisor. 


Event 2

TITLE: Technical Talk on “Evolution of Cellular Wireless Technology: 1G to 5G”


VENUE: Golden Jubilee Seminar Hall, ECE Department, Indian Institute of Science.


DATE and Time: 31/10/2019, 16:00-17:00


Number of participants: IEEE: 20             Non IEEE: 10                               Total: 30   

Details of Resource person:

Prasad Gudem received a B. Tech degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India in 1988 and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada in 1996. He was Vice President of Engineering at Qualcomm until 2018 and led the development of multiple generations of cellular transceivers that sold over three billion chips and used in top-tier products such as iPhone, Samsung, etc. Dr. Gudem was instrumental in establishing the Qualcomm RFIC group in Bengaluru that developed low-tier transceivers which sold over one billion parts. He is currently an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA. He has 50+ patents and 40+ IEEE publications. He has taught several graduate-level classes and co-advised 12+ Ph.D. students and a recipient of the Graduate Teaching Award.

Brief Description of the Event: 

Prof. Prasad Gudem gave a talk on 31st October 2019 at Golden Jubilee Hall, ECE, IISc. Prof. Gudem gave an insight into how the cellular wireless technology has revolutionized the communication industry and transformed the lives of people. Through his talk on “Evolution of Cellular Wireless Technology: 1G to 5G” he led us through the journey of cellular wireless technology from its infancy, with the advent of 1G (AMPS), to the pinnacle, with the successful deployment of 5G (mmWave) and how the challenges have been overcome. The event was organized by the Execom group of the IEEE-IISc ComSoc and IEEE-IISc Student branch. The event was coordinated by the chapter advisor Prof T. Srinivas, ECE, IISc and Mrs. Anandi Giridharan, IEEE-IISc student branch advisor.

Photo Gallery: 


Annual Report 2020

IEEE COMSOC Student Branch Chapter, Indian institute of science, bengaluru


  1. The IEEE ComSoc student chapter was started at IISc on 13th January 2011. 

  1.  In the year 2020, we have held the following events: 

  1. Talk on “Free-space all optical wireless communication” by Prof. Arun K. Majumdar on 4th March 2020. 

  1. Talk on “Enabling mobile robots in challenging environments for Industry 4.0” by Prof. Abhra Roy Chowdhury on 6th March 2020. 

  1. Talk on “Augmented Intelligence for Natural Sciences: Integrating Physics-based computations with data-based insights” by Ms. Suchismita Sanyal, General Manager, Shell Technology Center, Bangalore, and talk on “Ethical considerations in AI and Autonomous Systems” by Ms. Sushravya, Founder, Cirrch, held on 9th March 2020 as a part of the International Women’s Day celebration at IISc. 

  1. In the remaining of 2020, we plan the following events: 

  1. Technical talks by experts in the industry to help students gain perspective of what the industries work on and bridge the gap between academia and industry. 

  1. Half day workshop on non-technical aspects of research with talks on technical paper writing, how to choose a research problem, how to communicate research, time management, etc. 

  1. Outreach programme by visiting other colleges to give talks and seminars in association with UPP. 

  1. Conduct membership drives in all upcoming conferences including webinar and remote conferences. 

  1. Currently, there are 18 Comsoc members in our institute. 

  1. It is our privilege to host the IISc-IEEE ComSoc events on an official website to reach out to more people. In this regard, I as a chairperson take the responsibility to form a website team to update the website with the latest and upcoming events. 

  1. We are also having plans to come up with more sophisticated and interactive web page designs in the future. 






Email id

Mobile Number



Prof. T. Srinivas



Faculty Advisor


Chandana S Deshpande





Priya J. Nadkarni






Sl No

Event Date


Duration of Event






Free space all optical wireless communications 


1.5 hours (16:00-17:30) 



06/03/2020  Enabling Mobile Robots in Challenging Environments for Industry 4.0  

1 hour 




09/03/2020  International Women’s Day Celebration 

3 hours (14:00-17:00) 


Detailed description of Events:

Event 1

TITLE: Free space all optical wireless communications 


VENUE: Golden Jubilee Seminar Hall, ECE Department, Indian Institute of Science.


DATE and Time: 04/03/2020, 4:00-5:30 pm. 

Number of participants: IEEE: 15             Non IEEE: 5                               Total: 20   

Details of Resource person:

Prof. Arun K. Majumdar is a research scientist and a former university professor. He was the Director of Research at LCResearch, Inc. in California. He also served as a Full Professor at the University of Colorado for five years and as a Visiting Professor at both NIST and at the Brno University of Technology in the Czech Republic. Prof. Majumdar has published over 395 articles in international scientific peer-reviewed journals, has written over 25 technical reports, and is the author/editor of two books. He is a member of IEEE, OSA, and SPIE. 

Brief Description of the Event


 Prof. Arun K. Majumdar gave a talk on “Free space all optical wireless communications ” on 4th March 2020 at Golden Jubilee Hall, ECE, IISc. Prof. Majumdar inspired us with his work on free-space all optical wireless communication. He also spoke about his books on the topic presented that would help us to understand the concepts better. Ms. Chandana Deshpande hosted the event. Prof. Majumdar was hosted by Prof. T. Srinivas, Professor, ECE, IISc. The event was organized by the Execom group of the IEEE-IISc ComSoc. The event was coordinated by Prof T. Srinivas, IEEE-IISc ComSoc chapter advisor, Mrs. Anandi Giridharan, IEEE-IISc Student Branch counselor, along with Kundan Kumar, Chair, IEEE-IISc Student Branch.

Photo Gallery :


Event 2

TITLE: Enabling Mobile Robots in Challenging Environments for Industry 4.0  


VENUE: Golden Jubilee Seminar Hall, ECE Department, Indian Institute of Science.


DATE and Time: 06/02/2020, 11AM (Coffee/tea: 10.45AM) 


Number of participants: IEEE: 15             Non IEEE: 10                               Total: 25   

Details of Resource person:

Dr Abhra Roy Chowdhury is serving as an Assistant Professor at CPDM, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. Previously, he did his postdoc research fellowship with the Temasek Labs at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) in collaboration with MIT during 2016 – 2019, and was a senior member of the robotics research team at the Robotics Innovation Lab Singapore. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Robotics from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore in 2015. He holds various accolades and awards including Singapore Mark Design Award, IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Best PhD Thesis Award, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) Award, IEEE-SICE (Japan) Research Award, IEEE-ICROS (S. Korea) Best Student Research Award, LG Gold Medal and Scholarship.

Brief Description of the Event: 

Prof. Abhra Roy Chowdhury gave a talk on 6th March 2020 at Golden Jubilee Hall, ECE, IISc.. Prof. Chowdhury inspired the audience with his work on “Enabling Mobile Robots in Challenging Environments for Industry 4.0”. Ms. Chandana Deshpande hosted the event. The event was organized by the Execom group of the IEEE-IISc ComSoc. The event was coordinated by the chapter advisor Prof T. Srinivas, ECE, IISc, along with Mrs. Anandi Giridharan, IEEE-IISc student branch counselor, and Kundan Kumar, IEEE-IISc student branch chair.

Photo Gallery: 

Event 3

TITLE:  International Women’s Day Celebration 

VENUEGolden Jubilee Hall, ECE Department, Indian Institute of Science. 

DATE and Time: 9th March 2020, 14:00-17:00 (Coffee/Tea: 03:15 – 03:45) 

Number of participants: IEEE: 15            Non IEEE: 10                                Total: 25   

Details of Resource person:

Speaker 1: Ms. Suchismita Sanyal, General Manager, Computational Science, Shell Technology Center, Bengaluru. 

Suchismita Sanyal is currently the General Manager, Computational Science at Shell Technology Centre Bangalore, leading a team of 40+ researchers in delivering computational solutions to Shell. A metallurgist by training, Suchismita brings in 18+ years of corporate R&D experience with GE and Shell and specializes in delivering advanced computational solutions for accelerated discovery of materials and system designs, for energy transition applications and beyond. Her other passion includes exploring innovation tools for project excellence: Suchismita is a trained level-3 expert in TRIZ (Russian acronym for Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) methodology. She serves as the Program Director for the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Bangalore Chapter, in addition to being an invited member for the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) Women’s Network.

Speaker 2: Ms. Sushravya, Founder, Cirrch, Bengaluru. 

Sushravya is the founder an AI startup based in Bangalore, which aims to fundamentally redesign and build web search experience for the people of the 21st century. Before that, she graduated from IIITB with integrated Masters in CS/ML. Following that she worked as an AI researcher for Accenture AI Labs for couple years. Major chunk of her Master’s thesis work has been in establishing theroetical foundations for performance of AI agents in transfer learning and continual learning tasks. At Accenture, she worked on deep learning based natural language understanding, dialogue management and policy learning for intelligent conversational agents to help with diagnostic customer service automation, and also worked on ethical considerations in AI. She is passionate about using AI to transform the way knowledge is created in the world.

Brief Description of the Event: 

 IEEE-IISc student branch Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) and IEEE-IISc Communication Society (ComSoc) conducted talks by women to celebrate international women’s day on 9th March 2020 at Golden Jubilee Hall, ECE, IISc. Ms. Priya J. Nadkarni hosted the event.

Ms. Suchismita Sanyal inspired the audience by her talk on “Augmented Intelligence for Natural Sciences: Integrating Physics-based computations with data-based insights” that highlighted her ongoing work in the field of augmented intelligence at Shell Technology Center. She provided us with numerous examples of how they have developed physics and chemistry-based multiscale models to predict materials and systems behavior and guide design for industrial applications. She discussed the current state of the art of Augmented Intelligence-based hybrid mathematical models like computational chemistry and material science, image analysis, fluid flow, and reactor engineering, along with the role of high-performance computing in providing scalable solutions specific to AI-based models.

Ms. Sushravya, Founder, Cirrch, motivated the audience with her talk on “Ethical considerations in AI and Autonomous Systems”. She discussed about how AI is having a huge impact on our lives and how it is important to make sure that everyone benefits from it without harming anyone. Her talk instilled a sense of responsibility in the audience by making them aware of how important it is to ethically design, build, and deploy AI algorithms, ensuring that AI does what we intend it to do.

 The event was jointly organized by the Execom group of the IEEE-IISc WISE Affinity group and IEEE-IISc ComSoc. The event was coordinated by the chapter advisors Mrs. Anandi Giridharan, Principal Research Scientist, ECE Dept., IISc and Prof T. Srinivas, Professor, ECE, IISc, along with Kundan Kumar, IEEE-IISc Student Branch Chair.

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