AGM Details:

Date: Saturday, 07 January 2023
Venue: ECE Dept. IISc,
Time: 10:30 am -12:30 pm
Lunch is served at 12:30 pm


1. Welcome Address by Chair 2022, IEEE ComSoc Bangalore
2. Approval of the Minutes of the IEEE ComSoc AGM 2022
3. Presentation of activities report for the year 2022 by Secretary
4. Presentation of annual accounts for the year 2022 by Treasurer
5 Volunteer awards ceremony
6. Felicitation of Prof.Chandra Murthy, IEEE Fellow
7. Overview of Annual Plan 2022 (addressed by Vice Chair 2022).
8. Scorecard for 2022 (addressed by Chair 2022).
9. Dec 2022 Newsletter release
10. Address by special invitees
11. Slate presentation, any petition request & presentation of 2023 Execom
12. Address by ComSoc Bangalore Chair 2023
13. Open discussion with members
14. Vote of Thanks



2021 Graduate Thesis Evaluation in 7minutes (GraTE-7)

(22 May 2021) VIRTUAL, Hosted by IIIT Hyderabad

Winners of the Best Thesis Award:  CONGRATULATION to ALL.

PhD Category (3 winners)

Dr Ashok Bansiwal Equivalent Circuit Analyses and Methods to Enhance Bandwidth of Klystron Reentrant Cavities Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, Karnataka-560012 Dr. K. J. Vinoy; Dr. Subrata Kumar Datta, DRDO,
Dr Yoghitha Ramamoorthi Resource Allocation in Cellular Networks with Base Station Sleeping Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Dr Abhinav Kumar
Dr. Poornima S Transmit Power Adaptation for Enhancing the Performance of Wireless Multi-hop Half/Full Duplex Underlay Cognitive Relay Networks National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala, India Dr. A.V. Babu

M Tech Category (2 winners)

Reshma K Incremental Relaying for Cooperative Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) System : Performance Analysis and Optimization NIT Calicut Dr. A. V. Babu,
Tirumalasetty Sri Sai Apoorva Design of Multiband Millimeter Wave Array Antenna for 5G Communications Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru Campus, Kasavanahalli, Carmelaram P.O. Bengaluru – 560 035 Karnataka Dr Navin Kumar


Dear all, Meeting link has been shared to all registrant. Please join by 9:10am. Presentation will start exactly 9:30am. We need to check your connectivity, etc before the presentation. Presentation instruction has been sent to you.

Sequence in which candidate will be presenting is also sent in mail. PLEASE ALL JOIN AND REMAIN IN MEETING TILL THE END.

Best of Luck !

Short listed Candidates for the FINAL presentation.

GraTE-7 2021 ShortListed Candidate in Phase-1

Please REGISTER and READ IMPORTANT Instructions.  Last date to register: 18 May 2021.

Registration FEE –  Non IEEE Member- 2500 INR

IEEE Member – 2000 INR

Link to register:

Important Instruction for Final Presentation:

Please submit the soft copy of full thesis (pdf) so that panels will have time to read.

FINAL presentation will be ONLY for 7 (SEVEN) Minutes.  Failure to do so will result in MINUS point from your total points. One of the objectives of this competition is how do you summarize your work and present in 7 minutes. You might have heard about PhD thesis in 180Second (Nature magazine). You have here 7 minutes.  You have to clearly say what is your contribution and what have you done. And, results. Panels may ask some clarification, but YOUR presentation time is limited to SEVEN minutes. First slide should be TITLE, YOUR NAME and Supervisor(s) name and affiliation.

Webex link will be shared to you before a day or two.

You might also share your final presentation to ME in case, something goes wrong towards your side (only related to display). You should make proper arrangement and be available during entire day, until the result is announced.


IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc) Hyderabad jointly with ComSoc Kerala Chapter, Bangalore Chapter and Kolkata Chapter calls for graduate (PG and PhD) thesis synopsis submission for the interesting annual event, Graduate Thesis Evaluation in 7 minutes (GraTE-7) for 2021 edition.  In this congress, graduated students of the previous year (2020) would submit the synopsis and other details as mentioned below for a chance to be recognized as the best thesis work and be awarded handsome cash prize. Sort listed graduates would be asked to present their work in the final process (on the event date) to the audience and panelists. The presentation time for each would be strictly 7 minutes. Based on the work quality and other details, 3 best ME/MTech/MS/ thesis and 4 best PhD theses (total Great 7) will be awarded.  The award will carry 20,000/- INR for each PhD and 15,000/- INR for each MS/ME/MTech and Certificate of recognition. The certificate will also be given to corresponding Supervisor/Co-Supervisor in recognition as the best supervisor/Co-supervisor of the year.

The congress for this year is planned on 22 May 2021 in virtual mode. All eligible graduated students of 2020 whose awardee institution belongs to any of these 4 states (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and West Bengal) are eligible to submit their synopsis and compete to win the best thesis work recognition.

For more details, visit the link –

For registration of your thesis synopsis, go to this link (Please read the instruction and eligibility criteria before submission.

The following are the eligibility for the candidate:

  1. Graduated (defended the thesis) in 2020 that is, all those who have completed the final viva between 01 Jan 2020 – 31 Dec 2020.
  2. Graduated from  any of the institutions/colleges in the states of Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal.
  3. Thesis from the broad areas of Communication and Networking.

 Procedures of evaluation:

  1. Initial screening of submission by Technical Organizing Committees and experts.
  2. The panelist (experts from the domain area) who will be going through the short listed synopsis.
  3. Presentation by candidate during the congress.
  4. Feedback (form will be distributed) from audience collected during the presentation.
  5. There is a minimum criteria of FINAL selection. If criteria is not satisfied, all awards may not be recognized/awarded.

The following document submissions are required:

Please submit here –

  1. Synopsis about 5-6 pages
  2. Abstract (exactly the same as in submitted thesis- Scan copy of abstract page and the page(s) of signatures of all examiners)
  3. Original contribution (if not included in the synopsis)
  4. Paper/patent/publications details
  5. Details of institutions and period of registration, submission of thesis and final viva (defense) of the thesis.
  6. Supervisor/Co-supervisor details and a Confirmation of his/her consent
  7. HoD/Principal signature of viva completion (if signature page is missing)
  8. Signature of Supervisor and or Co-Supervisor on each document. In case, supervisor is away, eSignature accepted- All documents in zip file can be cc’d to supervisor with main address to congress organizer with a subject heading of “Submitted copy of MTech or PhD Thesis”.

Candidate has to bring one copy of the main thesis. (It might be given back to the candidate).

Result will be announced on the presentation day. The award and certificate distribution will take place immediately after the announcement. The decision of the award will be final at discretion of Panel members.

Details about the call will be available later through eNotice or college contacts. Some of the additional information are:

  • Candidate has to submit the details online and must register for the congress (https://the link will be provided-grate-7 )
  • Candidate has to make his/her own travel arrangements and stay (however, we may help them to get cost effective stay in guest house, hostels of some of the colleges nearby)
  • There will be some registration charges involved, however, reasonable.
  • Call for submission is open now.
  • Submission dead line 22 Apr 2021.
  • Notification of the shortlisted thesis 01 May 2021.


Bangalore:    Dr Navin Kumar

Kerala: Dr LakshmiNarasimhan Theagarajan , IIT Palakkad

Hyderabad: Lalitha Vadlamani, IIIT Hyderabad

Kolkata: Dr Wasim Arif


IEEE ComSoc Bangalore in now on Youtube.

You can watch the recorded event on Youtube Channel

First VIRTUAL Event:

“Leveraging AI in 5G and Wireless Networks”

1/2 -day workshop on 31 May 2020 from 10am – 13:15pm




Graduate Thesis Evaluation in 7 minutes


Dear All

First of all, we thank you all for your interest in the prestigious competition and recognition.
We are sorry to announce that due to the current situation caused by COVID-19, the actual date of the FINAL presentation will be informed little later.
However, we have sort listed the thesis and they have been informed. Please check your email which you have provided in the registration link. Please find below the sort listed thesis.
It is required that each sort listed candidate has to register for final presentaiton. Please follow the link to register.
Note – YOUR presentation will be LIMITED strictly for 7 minutes without any discussion from the panel/judges.
We will try to send you a template or guideline which you can cover in 7 minutes.
The following are the candidates this email should be sent to:
PhD Thesis
Anu Shaju Areeckal,
Baburaj M,
Kiran V,
Nagabhushan Eswara,
Susan Dominic,
Finto Raphel,
Abdu Rahiman V,
Amit Unde,
Hari Krishna Vydana,
Master Thesis
Meghana Govardhan,
Sreelakshmy K R,
Sushmitha Pollamoni,
Neethu K,
Congratulation to all !
Stay safe and healthy.

(18 April 2020, NIT Calicut, Kerala)

IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc) Kerala Chapter jointly with ComSoc Bangalore Chapter and ComSoc Hyderabad Chapter calls for submissions for GraTE-7, 2020.

GraTE-7, 2020, is the next edition of the Graduate Congress: Grate-7 held last year in Bangalore. The goal of GraTE-7 is to recognize and reward graduates (PG and PhD) students/scholars on the basis of their research contributions. In this congress, candidates who have graduated (final thesis defense/viva completed) in 2019 would submit the synopsis and other details as mentioned below. The shortlisted candidates will present their work in 7 minutes to the audience and panelists. Based on the quality of work and exposition, 3 best ME/MTech/MS/ thesis and 4 best PhD theses (in total, the great 7) will be awarded.  The award will carry 15,000/- INR for each selected PhD thesis, 10,000/- INR for each selected MS/ME/MTech thesis and a certificate of recognition. The certificate will also be given to corresponding Supervisor/Co-Supervisor in recognition as the best supervisor/Co-supervisor of the year.

The following are some important dates:

  • Call for submission will open on 07 Feb 2020.
  • Submission deadline: 11 Mar 2020.
  • Notification of the shortlisted thesis: 21 Mar 2020.


  • Please register your synopsis. No registration fees at this point, 

For more details, visit the link:

The following are the eligibility for the candidate:

  1. Graduated (defended the thesis) in 2019; that is, all those who have completed the final viva between 01 Jan 2019 – 31 Dec 2019.
  2. Graduated  from  any of the institutions/colleges in the states of Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh/Telangana.
  3. Thesis should be in the broad areas of Communication and Networking.

For registration of your thesis synopsis, go to this link (Please read the instruction and eligibility criteria before submission.

Further details regarding the congress are given below.

Procedure of evaluation:

  1. Initial screening of submission by the technical committee and experts.
  2. Evaluation of the shortlisted synopsis by the panelist (experts from the domain area).
  3. A 7 minute presentation by the candidate during the congress.
  4. Feedback (form will be distributed) from the audience collected during the presentation.

The following document submissions are required:

    1. Synopsis about 5-6 pages.
    2. Abstract (exactly the same as in submitted thesis – scanned copy of the abstract page and the page(s) of signatures of all examiners).
    3. Details of the original contributions (if not included in the synopsis).
    4. Details of institutions and period of registration, submission of thesis and final viva (defense) of the thesis.
    5. Supervisor/Co-supervisor details and a letter of his/her consent.
    6. HoD/Principal signature of viva completion (if signature page is missing).
    7. Signature of Supervisor and or Co-Supervisor on each document. In case, supervisor is away, eSignature accepted – All documents in zip file can be cc’d to supervisor with main address to congress organizer with a subject of “Submitted copy of MTech or PhD Thesis”.

Please Note – The uploaded documents (scanned) should be of maximum 200kB – restriction by Explara file upload.

Shortlisted candidates have to bring one copy of the main thesis (it might be given back to the candidate) during the congress. The decision on the award by the Panel members will be final.

Details about the call will be available later through eNotice or college contacts. Some of the additional information are:

  • Candidate has to submit the details online and must register for the congress (
  • Candidate has to make his/her own travel arrangements and stay (however, we may help them to get cost effective stay in guest house, hostels of some of the colleges nearby)
  • There will be some registration charges involved, however, reasonable.

Contacts –

Bangalore – Dr Navin Kumar (

Hyderabad – Dr. Lalitha Vadlamani (

Kerala – Dr. Lakshmi Narasimhan (


<<< Call for Volunteers: 2020 ExCom>>>

Dear All

This is the time for Calling the Next Year ExCom Team, that is volunteers for ComSoc Bangalore ExCom 2020.

ComSoc is very dynamic and vibrant chapter not only at Global level but also in Bangalore. A series of important initiatives have been taken and successfully being executed.

However, ComSoc has lot to do in future. We have huge resource as well. ComSoc invites you to join this team and build ComSoc community and IEEE very significant to everyone.

We invite everyone who can Spare on an average 1  hr of his/her time per two weeks. The best platform to develop yourself. Join this group by submitting this form Not later than 02 Nov 2019.

Student and Graduate Student Members are Not to fill up this form.

However, Graduate Student Members who can really work for few interesting position can send your details to (

Existing ExCom should also apply. OR you can send me (above email) your willingness along with particular position to continue in 2020.

Please visit this to understand operation and functions of different roles –

The slate will discuss with you and recommend the team or at least the office bearers.

Slate – Prof Debabrata Das, Ravikaran and Navin Kumar


<<< Attention Student >>>

Join ComSoc @ 1 USD

<<< All ComSoc Members >>>

 ComSoc Members, 5G Summit is FREE.

Subscribe yourself to ComSoc Society.

Join Now –


Winner of Chapter Achievement Award 2019

It is happy moment for us to know that Bangalore ComSoc has been chosen as “winners of this year’s Communications Society Chapter Achievement Awards”.

Thanks to all ExCom and All members of section and outside for your continuous support.

We also congratulate other 3 chapters of different regions.


5G World Forum, Bangalore 10-12 Sep 2020

Bangalore ComSoc is organizing the most popular international event, the 5G World Forum 2020

A great moment for us. We have started preparation for the same. Mark your calendar for this event.


     ComSoc Summer School 2020

Our proposal for Summer School 2020 has passed the first phase of screening. The final proposal is under review.


       3rd 5G Summit Schedule, 30 Nov 2019 at Samsung

Details will be available soon.



     2nd Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) workshop on 8 Nov 2019 at Wipro.

See the details on Event tab





“Graduate Congress: Graduate Thesis Evaluation in 7 minutes

30 March 2019, at Amrita School of Engineering, Kasavanahalli, (Off Sarjapur Road), Central Jail Road -Bangalore, 560035.

Winners “Congratulation !”

The Event Concluded Successfully. 21 short listed candidates (7 Master and 14 PhDs) presented their thesis.

Very interesting to see their work of 4-5 years trying to present in SEVEN minutes. Lot to learn yet.

Judges include:

Dr Dilip Krishnaswamy, VP Reliance Jio and ComSoc Chair Bangalore

Dr Lillykutty Jacob, Professor NIT Calicut and ComSoc Chair Kerala

Dr Gopakumar,  Dr Lakshmi Narasimhan, Dr Suma MN, Dr Ganesan Thiagarajan, Mr Subhas Mondal and Mr Kishore

The following are the winners:  

Master Thesis (only 1 qualified)

Ms Shijila B, National Institute of Technology, Calicut

Title of thesis: Low Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition based Moving Object Detection.

Guide – Professor Sudhish N

PhD Thesis

First Rank

Ms Deepthi Sasidharan, National Institute of Technology, Calicut

Title of thesis: Improving Network Lifetime and Reliability in IoT

Guide – Professor Lillykutty Jacob

2nd Rank (Joint Winner)

Ms Vandana Jha, UVCE, Bangalore

Title of thesis: Sentiment Analysis in Hindi using Data Mining Algorithm

Guide – Professor P Deepa Shenoy


Ms Sreeja Sukumaran, Christ University (Deemed to be university), Bangalore

Title of thesis: A Framework for Information Security Assurance using DNA Cryptography

Guide – Professor Mohammed Misbahuddin

3rd Rank (Consolation Prize – Joint winner)

Ms Namitha A S, National Institute of Technology, Calicut, Kerala

Title of thesis: Efficient Techniques for PAPR Reduction, Sideband Suppression adn CFO Estimation in OFDM based Communication

Guide – Professor Sameer


Ms Sabeena K, University of Kerala Trivendraum, Kerala

Title of thesis: Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Mitiosis in Breast Images by Signal Processing and Machine Learning.

Guide – Professor Bindu G R and  Dr Madhu S Nair

Great work and efforts by all—-Congratulation !

Also, all works presented were very good. However, few have edge over others.

Short Listed Candidates have been informed.

Compulsory attendance for every presenter. No Skype, no video recording. For clarification, contact us.

Kindly register yourself to present your thesis work in front of evaluators.

Supervisor and any other person can also register following the above link.

Registration closes on 15 March 2019

Keep ready your publication details. If you are IEEE member of any category, you have discounted registration.


IEEE ComSoc GraTE7_Final_3Feb

The first event is planned on 30 March 2019, at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore.

IEEE ComSoc Bangalore and Kerala Chapter is bringing this annual event to understand the quality of research and work being undertaken. Under this event, we make a call for synopsis from Master (ME/M Tech/MS) and PhD scholars who have defended (final viva voce completed) during 01 Jan 2018 to 31 Jan 2018 and the institution from where they have done belong to Kerala and Karnataka states.

All students who are eligible would submit the synopsis and other details as mentioned below and present their work in 7 minutes to the audience and panellists. Based on the work quality and other details, 4 best ME/MTech/MS/ thesis and 3 best PhD thesis (total great 7) will be awarded.  The award will carry 20,000/- INR for each PhD and 15,000/- INR for each MS/ME/MTech and Certificate of recognition. The certificate will also be given to corresponding Supervisor/Co-Supervisor in recognition as the best supervisor/Co-supervisor of the year.

  • Candidate has to submit the details online and must register for the congress ( )
  • Call for submission will open on 30 November 2018.
  • Submission dead line 03 Feb 2019
  • Notification of the shortlisted thesis 28 February 2019.
  • Candidate has to make his/her own travel arrangements and stay (however, we may help them to get cost effective stay in guest house, hostels of some of the colleges nearby)

The following are the eligibility for the candidate:

  1. Graduated (defended the thesis) in 2018 that is, all those who have completed the final viva between 01 Jan 2018 – 31 Dec 2018.
  2. Graduated from  any of the institutions/colleges in the states of Karnataka and Kerala
  3. Thesis from the broad areas of Communication and Networking.

Procedures of evaluation:

  1. Initial screening of submission by Technical Organizing Committees and experts
  2. The panellist (experts from the domain area) who will be going through the short listed synopsis.
  3. Presentation by candidate during the congress.
  4. Feedback ( form will be distributed) from audience collected during the presentation

The following document submissions are required: (Each attachment should not be more than 200kB)

  1. Synopsis about 5-6 pages
  2. Abstract (exactly the same as in submitted thesis- Scan copy of abstract page and the page(s) of signatures of all examiners)
  3. Original contribution (if not included in the synopsis)
  4. Details of institutions and period of registration, submission of thesis and final viva (defense) of the thesis.
  5. Supervisor/Co-supervisor details and a Confirmation of his/her consent
  6. HoD/Principal signature of viva completion (if signature page is missing)
  7. Signature of Supervisor and or Co-Supervisor on each document. In case, supervisor is away, eSignature accepted- All documents in zip file can be cc’d to supervisor with main address to congress organizer with a subject heading of “Submitted copy of MTech or PhD Thesis”.

Submit here:

Please Note – Candidate has to bring one copy of the main thesis. (It might be given back to the candidate).

Please contact – (Dr Navin Kumar) for any further information.


Standardization Meeting on “PLC Testbed Development in India”, on 24th Jan, 2018 at Velankani Tech Park, Electronic City, Phase 1

ComSoc Bangalore Chapter has been awarded the best chapter of the Bangalore Section in year 2017.

Congratulation to all the members for their support.


First ComSoc AGM, Jan 07, 2018

Download the Annual Report Here: ComSoc AGM Jan 7- 2018

I would like to invite all members (professional and Student) to attend the first ever ComSoc AGM being co-located with Bangalore Section AGM.  The venue is Sangrila Hotel, Palace Ground Road, Bangalore.

It will be held from 2pm, after lunch time.

Please send confirmation to if you are attending.

Some surprise gift might be waiting for you !

Please join us.

The agenda is very brief (we dont know even the procedure but testing it)

(i) Registration and some gift pack 2-2.10pm

(ii) Welcome to all guests and members with proceeding of annual event (very brief),some initiatives, etc. 10 min  (Chair)

(iii) Financial health (Mr Anand, treasurer) – 5min

(iv) Announcement of New Team proposed by Slate, assembly and quick photo – 7 min

(v) invitation to Prof Hari, IISc and Fellow IEEE for sharing his experience with IEEE

(vi) Invitation to Prof Das (2017 Section chair) for quick feedback and experience sharing

(vii) Invitation to Prof K J, Sr Member IEEE for sharing his experience

(viii) any other will be invited……or volunteer to share..

(ix)   If any other agenda….can be taken like future planning or so.

KINDLY DO ATTEND the proceeding.

Note – This confirmation does not entitle you to attend Bangalore Section AGM if you have not registered for that. Registration for Bangalore Section AGM is already closed.


ComSoc NewsLetter – 2nd Issue, Dec 2017

Kindly find/download the ComSoc Bangalore India Newsletter.

ComSoc NewsLetter Bangalore_Dec 2017


Smart City RETO-Battle of Project:

Submission Open until 31 May, 2017

Competition schedule on 30th June, 2017

@ Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore

‘Smart City RETO- Battle of Projects ‘, is an initiative of IEEE ComSoc Student Branch Chapter,Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru in association with IEEE ComSoc, Bangalore chapter which calls for contribution in smart cities development through technical innovation in the form of projects. 
“Smart City RETO, Battle of Projects” is open to students of the B. Tech., M.Tech., research scholars and professionals all over India who can bring forth innovative ideas for smart cities. It will be hosted on 30th June at the Amrita School of Engineering,Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru campus.
I request you to encourage, guide and support  your students to participate  in large numbers  in this Battle of Projects, “Smart City RETO”.The submitted project will be evaluated online and few short listed projects will be invited for demonstration.
The projects will be divided into two categories: Student and Professional
One can register on the following link to participate:-
Submission open up to – 31 May 2017. Register and Upload your design with a brief description of project at:
On behalf of Amrita School of Engineering, IEEE ComSoc Student Branch chapter, I request you and your esteemed institution to be a part of this mega event.


Tech Talk @ C-DoT, Electronic City on 11 May, 2016 (2-5PM)

In the memory of Claude Shannon’s 100th Birth Anniversary.


Dr Dilip Krishnaswamy, IBM Research

Dr. Himanshu Tyagi, IISc Bangalore

All are invited.

Please confirm your participation @ “Dr Y.V.S. Lakshmi” <>.

FREE entry. Details available Here:Shannon’s birthday celebrations_CDoT



30th April, 9am, Amriteshwari Hall, ASE


Keep visiting this site for important announcement. We have many interesting events and announcement always on card.

Inauguration of ComSoc Student Chapter, ASE, Bangalore

30th April, 2016


Participate actively and win prizes.

“PORTRAIT  SHANNON’S (CLAUDE SHANNON) LIFE in Chart Paper (A1 POSTER)” and win attractive prize.

Claude Shannon was a great mathematician and scientist and known as a father of Information theory in Communication Engineering. His 100th Birth anniversary is being celebrated on 30th April, 2016. On this occasion, we have a technical talk followed by ‘on the spot drawing competition’ portraying about his whole life in just one chart paper. The best poster will be selected by jury members comprising experts from outside, faculty of Amrita and student leaders. The first 3 top will be financially awarded (amount will be finalized later). Participants will be given 50 minutes to draw. Participants are to bring with them the necessary materials like poster (white recommended), pencil, sketch, etc.

Find out who was Shannon. What were his achievements and more….

ONLINE Submission is also possible. The last date for online submission is 29 April, 2016 1200pm.

For ONLINE submission, please draw the poster. (It must be hand drawn). Use google drive/document and share your work with the following emails.    cc with and

REGISTRATION IS NECESSARY to participate. Its FREE Entry. Please register via this link


SERIES OF TECH TALKS at IISc 30th April, 2016.


One day WORKSHOP in “Technical Challenges in Internet of Things” on 23 April, 2016.

For details visit here

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