Soft Computing: Excursion through Fuzzy Sets, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, and Rough Sets

Machine Intelligence Unit
Indian Statistical Institute
Resumen de la conferencia/Conference Abstract
Here we provide an introduction to soft computing. Some of its constituents like fuzzy sets, artificial neural networks, and genetic algorithms are described. The concept of rough sets is discussed, along with its hybridization in a wider framework. Applications to data mining and bioinformatics problems are also presented.
Sushmita Mitra is a full Professor at the Machine Intelligence Unit (MIU), Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. She was the Head of MIU during the period 2010 to 2012. From 1992 to 1994 she was in the RWTH, Aachen, Germany as a DAAD Fellow. She was a Visiting Professor in the Computer Science Departments of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada in 2004, 2007; Meiji University, Japan in 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007; and Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark in 2002, 2003. Dr. Mitra received the National Talent Search Scholarship (1978-1983) from NCERT, India, the University Gold Medal in 1988, the IEEE TNN Outstanding Paper Award in 1994 for her pioneering work in neuro-fuzzy computing, and the CIMPA-INRIA-UNESCO Fellowship in 1996.
She is the author of the books “Neuro-Fuzzy Pattern Recognition: Methods in Soft Computing” and “Data Mining: Multimedia, Soft Computing, and Bioinformatics” published by John Wiley, and “Introduction to Machine Learning and Bioinformatics”, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, beside a host of other edited books. Dr. Mitra is an Associate Editor of “IEEE/ACM Trans. on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics”, “Information Sciences”, “Neurocomputing”, and is a Founding Associate Editor of “Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (WIRE DMKD)”. She has more than 75 research publications in referred international journals. According to the Science Citation Index (SCI), two of her papers have been ranked 3rd and 15th in the list of Top-cited papers in Engineering Science from India during 1992-2001.
Dr. Mitra is a Fellow of the IEEE, and Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering and The National Academy of Sciences, India. She is an IEEE CIS Distinguished Lecturer for the period 2014-2016. She has served in the capacity of Program Chair, Tutorial Chair, Plenary Speaker, and as member of programme committees of many international conferences. Her current research interests include data mining, pattern recognition, soft computing, image processing, and Bioinformatics.
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