Dr. Aloknath De
Missionpreneur | TechCrafter | Fellow, INAE | SVP/CTO-Samsung India | Big
Data Lab-Samsung Korea
Method and Apparatus for Access Control in Distributed BlockChain-based
Internet of Things (IoT) Network
Method and Apparatus for Authenticating Users in Internet of Things Environment
Method and Electronic Device for Multi-level Security
Method and Apparatus for Channel Decoding of Tail-Biting Convolutional Codes
System and Method for Cumulative UV Estimation using Direction-invariant Non-
UV Sensor-based Approach
Method of Intelligent Query-Processing over Heterogeneous NoSQL Data Stores
Comprehensive Tennis Serve Analysis using Wearables
Method and Electronic Device identifying Indoor Location
System and Method for Partial Fingerprint Enrollment and Matching using Small
Size Fingerprint Sensors
Method and Apparatus for Health Care
Method and Device for Generating Data Representing Structure of Room
Lock screen Mobile Ads
Method and System to Enable Interaction of a Flexible Display with Connected
Smart Devices
Associated Organizations
Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) India Forum
Center for Education Growth and Research (CEGR).
Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
Indian National Academy of Engineering
All-India Management Association (AIMA)
Institution of Engineers (IEI), Kolkata
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA
IETE, New Delhi
ITU-APT Foundation of India (IAFI)
International Multimedia Telecommunication Consortium (IMTC), USA
Honors & Awards
Alexander Graham Bell Prize in Canada (1993)
IDC Insights Award (2015)
IETE 6th BV Baliga Memorial Award (2003)
IETE 6th NV Gadadhar Memorial Award (2008)
MTC Outstanding Corporate Award: Technology (2016)
Marquis Who’s Who in the World (2016)
Most Influential CIO/CTOs of India (2015)
TechCircle Business Transformation Award (2020)
Zinnov ‘Intrapreneurship of Year’ Award (2016)
Zinnov Technical Role Model (Sr. Technologist) (2015)
Innovation Technology Management (Book Chapter): Contradictions of
publication date: 2019 ;
publication description Centre for Education Growth and Research (ISBN: 978-81-
The book is to enhance curriculum based on primary research and is edited by A.P.Mittal,
P.Ranjan, A.De, L.Mehra and K.Bali. The eighth chapter (pp.119-127) explores how
balanced use of technology can combat negative effects and help in enriching lives.
Effective Business Communication (Book Chapter): Networking Skills using
Effective Communication
publication date: 2017
publication description: Center for Education Growth and Research (ISBN: 978-93-
This book is edited by S.Banerjee, P.C.Pandey, A.De, C.Tan and L.Mehra. The chapter
brings ten facets of networking and how they bring benefits in business and corporate
The Mind of an Engineer (Book Chapter): Ten Levers of Smart Engineering
publication date: 2016
publication description: Springer Singapore (ISBN 978-981-10-0118-5, 978-981-10-
0119-2 (ebook). The book is edited by P.Ghosh and B.Raj. Thorugh this article (pp.355-
358), I develop ten powerful techniques around smart engineering and analyze
associated motivations.
Leading with Knowledge (Book Chapter):: KM at Hughes Software Systems:
Certification, Collaboration and Metrics
publication date: 2003
publication description: Tata McGraw Hill (ISBN: 0-07-049960-8)
Edited Book by Madanmohan Rao: ‘Knowledge Management’ Practices in Global Infotech
Companies. The Fourth Chapter (pp 143-182) written by A.De and R.Sathyavgeeswaran.
Ganesan Thiagarajan
CTO, MMRFIC Technology Pvt. Ltd.,
Area of expertise: Signal processing, MIMO Communications, Radar
He received the B. E. degree in Electronics and Communications
Engineering from Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai in 1991, the M.Sc.
(Engg.) and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Communication Engineering from Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, in 1994 and 2014 respectively. He has more
than 25 years of Industrial experience in the field of Signal processing and
Communication system design, assuming various roles in Texas Instruments,
Arraycomm Inc, CA and Motorola. His research interests are in Error correction
codes, MIMO signal processing, Machine learning and their applications in
Communication systems.
He is currently the C.T.O of MMRFIC Technology Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore. He holds several
patents in USPTO. He authored several IEEE conference and journal papers. He was
elected as IEEE Senior member in 2013. He is current vice-chair of IEEE ComSoc,
Bangalore chapter.
Active member of ComSoc Bangalore Execom and Signal Processing Bangalore Execom.
Vice chair ComSoc for the year 2019 and Chair-elect for the year 2020. Delivered many
lectures in IEEE workshops and at educational institutions. Organized several talks by
experts in academia and industry.
Dr Dilip Krishnaswamy
General Co-chair- ICDCN at IISc,
TPC Co-chair – NCC at IISc,
TPC Co-chair for the IEEE 5G World Forum
Talk/Keynotes/Tutorial/Panel, etc
1. Keynotes at ADCOM 2019 https://accsindia.org/adcom-2019-programme/
2. LIGO panel related to gravitational waves at VITM – would you be interested in
listing that? Some work that I had done in this area got published in a reputed
physics journal. https://vigyansamagam.in/event-gallery/631
3. Invited Talk at NCC at IISc: Distributed Smart Networks: A convergence of 5G,
IoT, AI, and Blockchain –https://ece.iisc.ac.in/~ncc2019/program.html
4. Invited talk on “IoT, Blockchains, and AI for Mobility” at the Mobi Colloquium,
Smart Cities India event New Delhi
5. Panelist at: https://india.worldblockchainsummit.com (Trescon world blockchain
6. http://www.et-edge.com/conferences/techsummit/speakers/ (Economic Times Tech
Dr Navin Kumar
Steering Chair: IEEE PhD EDITS, 18 Aug 2019
Workshop Chair 5G Summit 1 (12 Apr 2019), 5G Summit-2 (17 Aug 2019)
TPC Co-Chair, IEEE CONECCT, Jul 2019
Local Arrangement Co-Chair, NCC, Feb 2019
General Chair – EAI 2nd UBICNET, Feb 2019
TPC Co-Chair, IConDSC, Mar 2019
1. Invited talk: “Spectrum Sharing in 5G”, during One day workshop on 5G
Technology, at RV College of Engineering, Bangalore, 16 Oct 2019
2. Invited talk on 2 day Workshop on “Research Methodology and IEEE
AuthorshipLab”, Chirst University, Lavasa, Pune -India, 12-13 Sep 2019
3. Invited talk “Beyond 5G – Wireless Communication Era 2050”, during 2nd IEEE
ComSoc 5G Summit: 5G and Future Networks, Nokia Bangalore, 17 Aug 2019
4. Invited talk “Evolution of 5G from 4G and Challenges and Opportunities in
mmWave based 5G Design”, TEQIP supported FDP on State of Art on RF and
Wireless Communication Design, at BMSIT, 29 Jul 2019
5. Invited talk “5G Architecture and mmWave Channel Modeling”, TEQIP supported
FDP on Wireless Networks: a Smart City Perspective, at BMSIT, 17 Jun 2019
6. Invited talk on 2 day Workshop on “Research Methodology and IEEE
AuthorshipLab”, Chirst University, Lavasa, Pune -India, 13-14 Apr 2019
Mahesh Kumar Jha
Assistant Professor, CMRIT Bangalore
Area of Expertise: Visible Light Communication, Optical Wireless
Communication, MIMO-OFDM, Smart City.
He is working as an assistant professor in CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore,
India. He received his M.Tech degree in VLSI design and Embedded System form
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, India in Dec. 2011 and currently he is
pursuing his Ph.D in area of Visible Light communication (Optical Wireless
Communication) from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, India. He
obtained his bachelor degree in Electronics and Telecommunication engineering form
Biju Patnaik University of technology, Rourkela, India in year 2007. He has over 9
years of teaching experience. His research area includes Visible Light
communication, Optical Wireless Communication, MIMO-OFDM, IoT & Smart
Anand M
Senior Research Engineer, C-DOT
Area of Expertise: Wireless Communication
He has over 11 years of experience in Communication Industry.
He is a Senior Research Engineer at Centre for Development of
Telematics, DoT, Govt. of India, Bangalore. In C-DOT he has worked
in 2G and 4G Base Station Sub-systems. He is currently leading the
New Technologies Study activity in C-DOT. He represents C-DOT in 5G
working Group of Telecommunications Standards Development Society,
India (TSDSI). He has experience in IEEE and 3GPP Standardization
process and has been involved in over 3 IEEE standards. He received
his B.Tech Engineering Degree in Electronics and Communication
Engineers from NIT Calicut in the year 2009. His area of interest includes Wireless
Communication and Wireless Optical Communication. He has received numerous awards
from C-DOT as author and inventor for his papers and patents. He is an active volunteer
of IEEE and past secretary for IEEE Communication Society, Bangalore Chapter.
IEEE ComSoc Treasurer : 2017
IEEE ComSoc Secretary : 2018, 2019
IEEE ComSoc Execom member : 2010- till date
AT Kishore
CEO-Vidhya Sangha Technologies Pvt Ltd
Area of Expertise: 3GPP Wireless, Fiber Optics, UAV & Mentoring Youth
He holds a MSc Tech from OU HYD 1987 and Deakin University rendered EDI diploma
from AIMA New Delhi 1997
While in service AT has been trained on E2E multi-vendor products of ERICSSON,
SAMSUNG ,ZTE, ALCATEL-LUCENT AND UTL and specialist roles played as DGM for
Customer Technical Support Services pertaining to OSS BSS, Billing, other products that
are core of telecom network infrastructures across the globe for telecom services
providers like AT&T,VzW,T-Mobile,RIL, Eti Salat and AirTel
With a short service commission of IAF ministry of defence, GoI in aeronautical
engineering between 1991-1997 and a long service award from NOKIA[ALCATEL-
LUCENT] between 1998-2011 and having served several TELECOMMUNICATIONS giants
such as LUCENT,RCom, TATA tele, UTL[2014-2018] Mr Kishore is a passionate
knowledge worker with his interests of research spreading from spread spectrum
technologies to OFDM, 4G-LTE,5G-6G, Aerospace and Defence, SatComm, to emerging
technologies landscapes of AI,ML, reinforced learning and deep learning applications for
solving smart cities, smart grid, smart energy metering solutions.
Since 2019 Sri Kishore has spearheaded a private limited company that has been
attracting attention from Edu Tech and Social Entrepreneurs alike and investment flows
into his start up as we speak
AT Kishore has authored white papers on Code Division Multiple Access, Session
Initiation Protocol and given international seminar talks on smart cities, wireless,
blockchain and UAVs to name a few
He has been in the advisory capacity with several Universities on their engineering
studies and conducted several FDPs and Student focused workshops, seminars and
He received several awards and appreciations from his organizations both MILITARY AND
CIVIL in the past 32 years and has travelled abroad 35 times to 15 nations including
He is serving several national missions on probono modus operandi today:
NiTi Aayog: Smart India Hackathons since 2017,till date
NiTi Aayog: AIM-ATL Atal Innovations Mission Mentor of Change for Atal Tinkering
labs since 2018
Standards body since 2019
A COVID-19 WARRIOR and contributing to several initiatives including PPE,
PMKVY, M.E.A –India Technical Economic Cooperation, Skill India, Global Skills
Having been part of Indian aspirational missions of connecting districts [1989-1991,
National Informatics Centre, Planning Commission, Western Region Pune] to what is now
ongoing mission BharatNet with Digital India Transformation with hands on deployment
to Bharat Broadband Nigam Limited on behalf of L1 vendor UTL India and mentoring
Engineers, leaders of BSNL,DoT and BBNL,ITI,BEL,All three armed forces personnel
during their resettlement spree for career mentoring on technologies streams-Flt.Lt.AT
Kishore now founded Vidhya Sangha Technologies Pvt Ltd to do more innovations for
educating society through IEEE vision of Advancing Technologies for Humanity – he has
been chosen to be part of IEEE since 2013 on special invitation and ever since leading
distinct roles such as Secretary IEEE ComSoc 2017, Execom Member of Several Societies
such as IEEE PES, IEEE CIS and Computer Society.
He has been co-author for several papers submitted to several conferences and has
chaired serval sessions of national and international events such as International SIP
2007, International SIP 2008, World Summit on Blockchain 2018.
He is part of IEEE Smart Cities Advisory Team [ISCAT] and IEEE P1931.1 –PAR R.O.O.F
standard lead by Syam Madanapalle
Playing active roles in connecting small and medium enterprises to IEEE leadership,
Planning events and programs by identifying talent globally and at times on being
requested to volunteer to speak on topics such as wireless, IoT,Blockchain,UAV and 5G-
AI for Advanced Level Researchers and been reviewing several papers of EDAS,
EasyChair etc. IEEE ComSoc Secretary during 2017 and our team was and is always in
the top ranks in certain measurement metrics of IEEE. Ever since 2016 IEEE ANTS event
program organizing committee roles, continued to be in the execom till date and for the
upcoming 2020 event, supporting in promotion, industry show case, sponsorship and
coordinating student volunteers
Subhas Mondal
Wipro Fellow and Chief Architect-5G, Wipro Ltd.
Area of Expertise: 5G, SDN, NFV, Telecommunications, Wireless networks
He is a Wipro fellow and the Chief Architect of the organization-wide 5G initiative at
Wipro and has over 28 years engineering experience in Telecom Research &
Development. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.
He is a passionate technologist and has developed a variety of products & solutions in
emerging technology areas such as 5G, SDN/NFV, Li-Fi, Cyber Security and AI for
Network Automation. He is an engineering graduate from IIT Kharagpur in Electronics
and Electrical communications engineering. Prior to joining Wipro, he worked for C-DOT
as a research engineer and developed a product from scratch for remote switching need.
Presented in COMSOC half day virtual workshop on Role of AI in 5G in 2020.
Presented in the COMSOC half day workshop on the Paradigm of programmability
in 5G in 2020,
Organized and presented in COMSOC half day workshop on nurturing career
amidst adversities in pandemic,
TPC chair for VTS track in IEEE CONECCT,
Workshop chair in 5G world forum 2020,
Presented in multiple session in 5G World forum in 2019,
Organized ITS workshop in 2018 and 2019,
Speaker and organizer in ANTS 2019 and 2018.
NASSCOM NIPP mobility challenge webinar on 5G technology for the contestants
– 24-Apr-2019 – http://mobilitychallenge.nipp.tech/
IEEE 5G Seminar speaker in PES college – “Is 5G a game changer”, 27-Apr-2019
– https://enotice.vtools.ieee.org/public/47851
Speaking session in IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things on “5G System
optimization” over webex, 18 Apr 2019, http://wfiot2019.iot.ieee.org/
Panel speaker in Linux Foundation DPDK summit – 9th March 2019 –
Invited panel speaker in SITM, Pune on the panel titled – “5G Fluctuating
Fortunes: Traversing Through Unknown Terrains”.
Speaking session in India EU Stakeholders Workshop on 5G Technology
Landscape, on Optical Wireless communication – 5-6 Feb, 2019, https://5g-
Invited speaking session on 5G in IIT Kharagpur on Research scholar’s day, 11
Jan 2019
Speaking session on 5G in India EU conference on “Future ICT for sustainable
cities”, 23 Jan 2019, https://futureictforum.com/
Speaking session in ICDCN on “Real time Network Analytics at 5G Edge” – 06 Jan
Speaking session on “Cognitive Automation in 5G” in the last miles workshop in
IEEE COMSNETS international conference – 7 Jan 2019,
Tutorial session on 5G real time network analytics in the FIRST IETE
Big Data & 5G, 13 Dec 2018, http://ieteblr.in/iici2018/index.html
Panel speaking session on “convergence in technologies” in the FIRST IETE
Big Data & 5G, 14 Dec 2018
Workshop speaker in IEEE 5G-FWT2018 in conjunction with ANTS on “Cognitive
Automation in 5G” – 19 Dec 2018
Panel speaker in IEEE ANTS on “5G changing the game for Agriculture, Health
Care, Smart Cities and Manufacturing verticals” – 19 Dec 2018,
5G overview presentation in IDRBT (Hyderabad) 5G workshop – 3 Dec 2018
Speaking session in Intel MEC meetup on “Real time Network Analytics – 17 Nov,
Invited speaking session in IEEE-BIS 5G seminar at IIT, Kanpur, 18 Oct 2018,
Panel speaker in “NFV & Carrier SDN” international conference in Denver, 24
Sept, 2018 on Edge- overcoming the challenges”, https://tmt.knect365.com/nfv-
and-carrier-sdn/ (updated with upcoming event now)
IEEE ICICIC Conference, Indore, Aug-2017, Keynote speech on “Transformation
of TelecomNetwork” ,
Speaker in IEEE workshop on Evolution of DC in the context of MEC and 5G – 27
July, 2018, https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/174790
Speaking session IEEE 5G workshop on ITS, 23 Nov 2018 –
Speaking session in IEEE 5G technology workshop on “Autonomic Network
Management”,30 June 2018 –
Keynote speaker and jury in MNNIT Hackathon, Hack36, 27 Jan 2018,
https://twitter.com/hack36mnnit/status/957316414934675456, https://hack36-
Anindya Saha
CTO, Saankhya Labs Pvt Ltd
Area of Expertise: Wireless Communication
He is a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Saankhya Labs with approximately 24
Years of experience. He is an expert on Software Defined Radios and has led the
design and development of the Baseband and RF subsystems for Saankhya’s products
in wireless communication. He has been instrumental in SDR Platform development
and holds several fundamental patents and publications in this domain. He is a Senior
Member, IEEE, and participates in standardization activities in 3GPP and TSDSI. He
is an alumnus of IISc Bangalore and IIT BHU and previously worked for Texas
Instrument and Broadcom.
His profile is available at https://in.linkedin.com/in/anindyasaha.
Jomy Jose
Head – Telecom Solutions, Communications & Media
Area of Expertise: Cellular (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G)
Overall 25+ years’ experience in Telecommunication Industry especially on Wireless
Cellular (GSM/GPRS/3G/LTE/NB-IoT/eMTC/5G) Protocol expert with 25 years’
Have Designed, Developed & Commercialised Cellular Mobile, RAN and CORE
Protocol Stacks.
IEEE – Communication Society Bangalore Chapter Executive committee member
from 2017 January
Speaker in multiple IEEE conferences and Workshops across India focusing 5G
and IoT
3GPP – RAN Delegate, contributing to GSM/GPRS specifications. Rapporteur for
multiple Work Items on specifications in the Standardisation body for many years.
GCF – Has attended Combined Agreement meetings of GCF (GSM Certification
Have published White papers on Wireless Technologies
Dr. Saptarshi Chaudhuri
Chief Architect – Radisys
Area of Expertise: Wireless Communication
He has 23 years of extensive working experience broadly in Wireless Communication
domain in particular 5G Research and Design, Wireless Product (RAN, EPC) Design and
Development, WCDMA Modem Testing, CDMA2000/IS95 Femto-BTS Design and
Maintenance, Development Processes (Agile, Waterfall) with strong understanding of
Wireless, communication system understanding of 3GPP 5G, LTE/LTE-A specifications
along with call flow. I have filled 120+ patents applications across multiple countries in
the area RAN / Network Slicing, 37 Granted US Patents and 3 Granted European Patents.
I have authored position along with a membership in IEEE COMSOC
Dr. K. R. Shobha
Associate Professor, Dept. of ETE, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore
Area of Expertise: Wireless Networks, Internet of things, Machine Learning
She received her M.Tech. degree in Digital Communication Engg from Bengaluru
University, Karnataka, India, and Ph.D. from Visvesvaraya Technological University. She
is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. She has
around 24 years of teaching experience and 15 years of research experience. Her
research areas include Mobile Adhoc Networks, IoT, Machine Learning and Cloud
Computing. She has several paper publications in reputed Journals and conferences to
her credit. She is a Senior IEEE Member who served as a treasurer and Secretary of IEEE
Sensor Council during the recent past, currently she is an execom member of WIE and
IEEE Communication Society, Bengaluru Section as well as IEEE RIT Student Branch
Counsellor. She is also an active member of IETE, ISoc and IAENG.
Dr. Shilpa chaudhari
Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore
Area of Expertise: Wireless network and security
She has completed Doctor of Philosophy in Electronics Engineering from VTU, Belgaum at
Reva Institute of Technology and Management, Bangalore in 2016. She has been a
technology educator and corporate trainer since 1999. In the last 17 years, she has
served in various academic positions in technical institutes in Maharashtra and
Karnataka. Her areas of research and teaching include network security, RTOS,
computational intelligence, wireless networks, embedded system development. She has
published 11 international peer reviewed journal papers, 7 national journals papers, 21
international conference papers and 5 national conference papers in the area of
multimedia security, embedded system development and MANETs. She is the Technical
Reviewer for International journal publication – Springer (Wireless Personal
Communication and Telecommunication Systems). She is a professional member of
Computer Society of India (CSI): Life member since 2013 and IEEE Member.
Sheeba Kumari M
Research Scholar, VTU
She received the B.E degree in electronics and communication engineering from
NMAM Institute of Technology, Mangalore, India in 2000, and the M.Tech degree in
electronics and communication from Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore,
India in 2007. She is currently working towards the PhD degree in mmWave channel
modelling under the supervision of Dr. Navin Kumar. Her current research interests
include 5G cellular networks, mmWave communications and wireless channel modelling.