Special Sessions

SS01: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for Disaster and Crisis Management

Session organizers:  Natt Leelawat (Chulalongkorn University) and Jing Tang (Chulalongkorn University)

Description: We have encountered various experiences of crisis in these decades, including the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the research and development in data science and artificial intelligence, there are many possibilities to match them with the challenges in the area of disaster and crisis management. This special session is interested in (but not limited to) AI for the pandemic crisis, Big data for early warning systems, Business Continuity Management, Data science for disaster management, Infodemic & social network analysis, Numerical modeling and simulation, and Risk and vulnerability assessment.

SS02: Special Session on (Artificial) Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems

Session organizers: Zool Hilmi Ismail (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)

Description: Modern systems, such as cooperative robotic systems, mobile computing systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, and financial systems, are becoming distributed, ubiquitous, and systems of systems composed of autonomous agents. They have to operate in highly dynamic and volatile environments, where physical infrastructure, social and societal context, network topologies, and workloads are continuously fluctuating. Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems (IMASs) are composed of communicating autonomous agents whose behavior may be volatile, i.e., agents may break down, become unavailable due to network problems, or change their behavior. Thus, the system has to be intelligent enough to recognize the faulty behavior, adapt itself to new arising situations if possible, and return to its original processing in case the cause of the problem has been removed. Thus, monitoring the system’s environment and adapting the behavior to critical situations is another defining characteristic of IMASs. Recent advances in the areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep reinforcement learning enable autonomous systems with improved robustness and flexibility. Consequently, IMASs will be able to handle increasingly intelligent work, including interacting with and continuously learning from their environment and especially from people. This theme issue invites papers covering any aspect related to IMASs including, but not limited to:

  • Robotics and multi-agent systems
  • Fault-tolerant system
  • Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning approaches
  • Control system and security of autonomous systems
  • System modeling, analysis, architecture designs, and decisions
  • Case studies, experience reports, benchmarking, and best practices

SS03: ECTI-SICE Special Session on Advances on Control Engineering and Applications

Session organizers: Kou Yamada, Gunma University, yamada@gunma-u.ac.jp, and Itthisek Nilkhamhang, Thammasat University, Itthisek@siit.tu.ac.th

Description: This organized session aims to promote the exchange of ideas between SICE and ECTI researchers on the latest trend on robust control, safety control, and monitoring systems as well as engineering applications. The topics include, but not limited to, system analysis of complex dynamical systems, control design of dynamical systems, hardware and software implementation, system integration of automation systems, efficient operation and effective maintenance, performance monitoring, and verification systems, and other related topics.

SS04: Special Session on Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications

Session organizers: Thanaruk Teeramunkong, SIIT, Thailand

Description: This organized session

aims to provide an international forum for researchers and industry practitioners. Our goals are to share their new ideas, original research results, and practical development experiences related to artificial intelligence, smart technology, the internet of things, and embedded system-related areas. The conference calls for research papers reporting original investigation results of research and development on real AI and IoT system applications and their system development. Topics in AIoT 2020 are listed below, but not limited to:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Fundamentals
    • Adaptive Control, Agent and Multi-Agent Systems, Artificial Neural Networks Spiking, Artificial Neural Networks, Bayesian Models, Biologically Inspired Neural Networks, Architectures Interacting with The Brain, Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Big Data, Distributed AI Systems and Architectures, Evaluation of AI Systems, Evolving Systems – Optimization, Affective Computing, Grid-Based Computing, Knowledge Acquisition and Representation, Knowledge Engineering, Machine Learning, Multi-layer Perceptron, Multilayer Perceptron, and Kernel Networks, Learning and Adaptive Systems, Mathematical Foundations of AI and Intelligent Computational methods, Media Machine Learning in Engineering, Natural Language Processing, Object and Face Recognition, Ontologies, Reasoning Methods, Particle Swarm Optimisation, Planning and Resource Management, Planning, and Scheduling.
  • AI Applications
    • Autonomous and Ubiquitous Computing, Biomedical systems, Bioinformatics Coding, Collective Computational Intelligence, Color/Image Analysis, Computer Vision, Crisis and Risk Management, Data Fusion, Data Mining and Information Retrieval, Decision Support Systems, Deep Learning, Real-Time Systems, Social Networks, eBusiness, eCommerce, eHealth, eLearning, Engineering and Industry, Expert Systems, Finance and AI, Fuzzy Logic and Systems, Genetic Algorithms and Programming, Human-Machine Interaction, Intelligent Real-Time Monitoring and Control, Knowledge Management, Cybersecurity, Forensics, BioMedical, Medical Informatics and Biomedical, Movement and Motion, Multimedia Computing, Multimedia Ontologies, Multimedia, Political Decision Making, Project Management Recommendation Systems, Recurrent Neural Networks and Reservoir Computing, Robotics and Virtual Reality, Signal and Image Processing, Knowledge Extraction, Smart Graphics, Smart Grids, Social Media and AI, Speech and Natural Language Processing, Speech Synthesis, Time Series and Forecasting, Mining and Exploratory Analysis.
  • AI and Social Issues
    • AI and Ethical Issues, Cybersecurity and AI, Deep Learning and Big Data Analytics, Deep Learning and Cybersecurity, Deep Learning and Forensics, Forensic Science, Intelligent Profiling and Personalisation, Machine Learning and Social, Social Impact of AI
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