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ICA-SYMP 2021 (IEEE Conference Record Number #50206) is the second annual international symposium organized by Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI) Association, and technically co-sponsored by IEEE Thailand Section, Artificial Intelligence Association of Thailand (AIAT) and Thailand Robotics Society (TRS). The conference aims to provide an international platform to present technological advances, launch new ideas and showcase research work in the field of instrumentation, robotics, automation, control, and artificial intelligence.
- Area 1: Instrumentation and Measurement
Chair: Charusluk Viphavakit, CU- Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
- MEMS and nanotechnologies
- Sensors and measurements
- Area 1: Instrumentation and Measurement
- Area 2: Artificial Intelligence
Chair: Kitsuchart Pasupa, KMITL- Intelligent systems and Expert systems
- Neural networks
- Machine learning and Deep learning
- Area 3: Image Processing and Computer Vision
Chair: Somying Thainimit, KU- Feature extraction
- Segmentation
- Pattern and Object recognition and Tracking
- Applications
- Area 4: Robotics
Chair: Kanjanapan Sukvichai, KU- Mobile robotics
- Unmanned vehicles
- Visual servoing
- Robotics manipulation
- Medical and bio-robotics
- Area 5: Automation and System Integration
Chair: Amphawan Julsereewong, KMITL- Intelligent manufacturing systems
- System integration
- Functional safety
- Networked control systems
- Area 6: Control Theory
Chair: Benjamas Panomruttanarug, KMUTT- Linear control theory
- Nonlinear control theory
- Optimal control, and robust control
- Model predictive control
- Hybrid control
- Area 7: Power Control and Energy Systems
Chair: Sanchai Dechanupaprittha, KU- Control of PWM converters
- Modeling of power semiconductors
- Smart grids, microgrids, energy management systems
- Power systems stability
- Renewable energy control
- Area 8: Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT
Chair: Rardchawadee Silapunt, KMUTT- Data analytics of IoT
- Embedded systems, industrial IoT (IIoT)
- CPS applications, Energy management and Harvesting for IoT platforms
- Area 9: Control Applications
Chair: Witthawas Pongyart, KMUTNB- Systems biology
- Traffic control
- Spacecraft and aircraft control
- Health and care
- Others
- Area 2: Artificial Intelligence