Event on 2018-06-28

Postgraduate Research Conference 2018

Date: Thursday, 28 June 2018

Venue: Newcastle Research & Innovation Institute, 80 Jurong East Street 21 #05-04, Devan Nair Institute for Employment & Employability, Singapore 609607, Tel: +65 6514 0568

09:00am: Registration
09:20am: Welcome and Introduction
10:00am: Postgraduate Students Oral Presentation

  • 10:00-10:15 Terence Chin
  • 10:15-10:30 Ceasar Edward
  • 10:30-10:45 Li Weixian
  • 10:45-11:00 Abdul Sufi Bin Noordin
  • 11:00-11:15 Satinder Singh Virdi
  • 11:15-11:30 Wang Shuo

11:40am: Talk by Stephen Tetlow, IMechE CEO
12:00pm: Lunch and Postgraduate Students Poster Presentation

  • Chathurika Chandraratne
  • Brendan Chong
  • Irfan Mulyawan Malik
  • Wesley Poh
  • Philip Solomon See
  • Ji Aidong
  • Kelvin Xu

01:00pm: Guest Speaker: Dr. Anupam Trivedi, National University of Singapore
01:45pm: Team Building Experience Sharing Exercise – Overcoming Challenges
03:00pm: Postgraduate Students Oral Presentation

  • 03:00-03:15 Charles Fernandez
  • 03:15-03:30 Cumaran Kamalacumar
  • 03:30-03:45 Ng Chun Wee
  • 03:45-04:00 Sajin Saju
  • 04:00-04:15 Soh Soon Hong
  • 04:15-04:30 Teo Ching Leong

04:30pm: Coffee / Tea Break/Prize Giving/ Conclusion
05:00pm: End

Event on 2018-11-02

Jointly Organized By: Green Energy Management and Smart Grid Research Center (GEMS), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore and IEEE Power & Energy Society, Singapore Chapter and IEEE PES National University of Singapore Student Branch

TOPIC: Expanding the Capabilities of Modular Microgrids for Tropical Off-Grid & Urban Communities

SPEAKER: Mr. Prasanna I V, Research Engineer: Renewable Energy Integration Demonstrator Singapore (REIDS), Energy Research @NTU (ERI@N), Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

DATE: 02 November 2018, Friday

TIME: 2.00pm to 3.30pm

VENUE: E3-06-01, Engineering Block E3, Faculty of Engineering, NUS

Event on 2018-12-07

IEEE Power & Energy Society Annual Dinner 2018

The Committee of IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) cordially invites you to join us on our Annual Dinner 2018.  This event is free for PES members, as well as for one guest that accompany each PES member. Bring a partner to enjoy the evening.

Date:         7 December 2018 (Friday)

Time:        6.30pm to 9.30pm (Cocktail reception from 6.00pm)

Venue:     Qian Xi (Farrer Park) Restaurant, Civil Service Club, 60 Tessensohn Road, Singapore 217664, Tel: 6295 1155, (350 metres from Farrer Park MRT), Website:   http://www.qianxi.com.sg/qianxi-farrer-park/

PS: Restaurant is located about 350m walking distance from Farrer Park MRT


To register, please visit:



Note: IEEE Members who wish to attend the dinner are encouraged to join PES as a member. IEEE Members who are non-PES members can attend with a nominal charge of $100 unless they attend as a guest of a PES member.


For further information, please contact:

Mr. Tan Teck Lee (tantecklee@singnet.com.sg)

Website: http://site.ieee.org/singapore-pes/2018/11/08/event-on-2018-12-07/




Event on 2018-10-30

IEEE PES Workshop on Electrical Power Engineering

One-day Workshop Exchange with University of Strathclyde, National University of Singapore and Newcastle University in Singapore

Venue: School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

Date: 30 Oct 2018

Time Program
9:00am-10:00am Arrival of Presenters / Morning Tea (EEE Staff Lounge, S2.2-B4-06)
Technical seminars (EEE Executive Seminar Room, S2.2-B2-53)
10:00am-10:15am “Robust operation of Microgrids” – Assistant Professor Xu Yan, NTU EEE (15 min)
10:15am-10:30am “Energy Storage Projects at Energy Research Institute @ NTU” – Dr Marcus Koh, NTU ERI@N (15 min)
10:30am-10:40am Distributed Control and Automation in Power Systems and Cyber-Physical Implementation” – Dr Wang Yu, Research Fellow, NTU EEE
10:40am-10:50am Frequency Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Action Domain” – Mr Yan Ziming, PhD Student, NTU EEE
10:50am-11:00am Data Analytics for Fault Diagnosis, Prognostics and Health Management” – Dr Gou Bin, Research Fellow, Rolls-Royce@NTU Corporate Lab
11:00am-11:10am Energy Management System of All-Electric Ships” – Dr Fang Sidun, Research Fellow, Rolls-Royce@NTU Corporate Lab
11:10am-11:20am Optimal Planning and Operation of Multi-Energy Microgrids” – Mr Li Zheng Mao, PhD Student, NTU EEE
11:20am-11:30am Capacity Estimation and Prognosis in Li-ion battery” – Mr Akhilesh Koul, Msc Student, NTU EEE
11:30am-11:40am Multi-stage Coordinated VAR Planning of Wind Penetrated Power System” – Mr Chi Yuan, PhD Student, NTU EEE
11:40am-11:50am Buffer Time
11:50am-12:30pm Short Break  / Lab Visit (Water & Energy Lab)
12:30pm-13:30pm Lunch (EEE Staff Lounge, S2.2-B4-06)
Technical seminars (EEE Executive Seminar Room, S2.2-B2-53)
13:30pm-13:50pm Strathclyde’s future power grid programmesProfessor Graeme Burt, University of Strathclyde (20 min)
13:50pm-14:00pm Enabling Decentralised operation of future grids” – Dr. Mazheruddin Syed, University of Strathclyde
14:00pm-14:10pm Enhanced smart charging strategies for optimal integration of electric vehicles in distribution network” – Dr. Anupam Trivedi, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National University of Singapore
14:10pm-14:20pm Adaptive Protection for Distribution Networks with Distributed Generators” – Dr. Dhivya Sampath Kumar, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National University of Singapore
14:20pm-14:30pm Probabilistic load forecasting” – Mr. Zhang Wenjie, Post Graduate, National University of Singapore
14:30pm-14:40pm A Novel Piezoelectric-Based Quasi-Z-Source Inverter for Nanogrid Application” – Mr Wesley Poh, Post Graduate, Newcastle University in Singapore
14:40pm-14:50pm Computational Intelligence Techniques for Energy Management of Storage System” – Mr Tiong Teck, Post Graduate, Newcastle University in Singapore
14:50pm-15:00pm Integrating Distributed Renewable Technologies with Revolutionized Demand-Side Dominion Advancement: Consumers Sovereignty” – Mr Ramadan, Newcastle University in Singapore
15:00pm-15:10pm Buffer Time
15:10pm-16:00pm Afternoon Tea and free discussion (EEE Staff Lounge, S2.2-B4-06)


  • Contact Person 1: Mr Benjamin Chew, NTU EEE, schew007@e.ntu.edu.sg ; Tel: (+65) 8128 3991
  • Contact Person 2: Mr Chi Yuan, NTU EEE, CHIY0001@e.ntu.edu.sg ; Tel: (+65) 8573 8973
  • Venue: School of EEE’s building S2.2. If you take a taxi, you can locate the address as NTU Carpark B to School of EEE.

Campus Map: (Building S2.2) http://maps.ntu.edu.sg/maps#q:eee%20staff%20lounge

Event on 2018-11-22

Jointly Organized By: Green Energy Management and Smart Grid Research Center (GEMS), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore and IEEE Power & Energy Society, Singapore Chapter and IEEE PES National University of Singapore Student Branch

TOPIC: Solar forecasting: Gaps between Research and Industry

SPEAKER: Dr. Dazhi Yang, Research Scientist: Planning and Operations Management, A*Star (Agency for Science, Technology and Research)

DATE: 22 November 2018, Thursday

TIME: 2.00pm to 3.30pm

VENUE: E4-04-03, Engineering Block E4, Faculty of Engineering, NUS


Despite the significant progress made in solar forecasting over the last decade, most of the proposed models cannot be readily used by independent system operators (ISOs). This is due to three main reasons: (1) the ISOs require the forecasts to be submitted in multi-step-ahead intervals (e.g., thirteen 5-min forecasts over 1 h), whereas the solar forecasting literature focuses on 1-step-ahead forecasting; (2) the ISOs require a lead time for forecast submission, whereas the algorithms used in research almost always ignore such lead time; and (3) the forecast update rate required by the ISOs is generally different from the forecast horizon, the repeated forecasts made to the same timestamps are rarely studied. To that end, this paper proposes an operational solar forecasting algorithm that is closely aligned with the real-time market (RTM) forecasting requirements of an ISO, namely, California ISO (CAISO).

The algorithm first uses the North American Mesoscale (NAM) forecast system, a numerical weather prediction model, to generate hourly forecasts for a 5-h period that are issued 12 h before the actual operating hour, satisfying the lead-time requirement. Subsequently, the world’s fastest similarity search algorithm, a computer-science innovation for time series data mining, is used to downscale the hourly forecasts generated by NAM to a 15-min resolution, satisfying the forecast-resolution requirement. The 5-h-ahead forecasts are repeated every hour, following the actual rolling update rate of CAISO. Both deterministic and probabilistic forecasts generated using the proposed algorithm are empirically evaluated over a period of 2 years.

Dazhi Yang works as a Research Scientist in the research group: Planning and Operations Management in A* Star (Agency for Science, Technology and Research. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from National University of Singapore in 2015. He is now the youngest associate editor of the journal Solar Energy, and is a reviewer for all major energy journals. His research interests include solar forecasting, solar resource assessment, data science, and computer science. In the past five years, he has authored more than 60 papers, for which more than half are first-author journal papers. Dazhi supports open research, to that end, all his first-author papers in the recent years come with data and code. In 2018, he started the Data Article initiative in the Solar Energy journal, first time in 60 years of the journal’s history, promoting world-wide data sharing among solar researchers.

Event on 2018-04-20

IEEE PES Day 2018 – Singapore Chapter

We celebrated IEEE PES day event in Singapore along with IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), NUS PES Student Branch Chapter and Green Energy Management & Smart Grid Research Centre (GEMS).

A workshop on Sustainable Energy Systems that focuses on presenting the latest development in renewable projects all around the world, such as solar, wind, and tidal was conducted. The presentations were given by final year Bachelor’s and Master’s students and was be an avenue to learn about the recent advancements in renewable energy areas. Out of the 70 students who had presented their work, 2 groups have been selected. Certificates will be presented to the following students who have presented their work, as a part of the IEEE PES DAY celebration – Student Workshop on Sustainable Energy Systems 2018.

  • Best Project Award given to Hu Yang, Jiao Hongsheng, Kong Lingming, Liu Sai, and Zan Wentao for their project titled, “Wind project in Gotland, Sweden”.
  • Best Presentation Award given to Carl Victor Loftman, Chan Hang Wee, Evelyn Tan Yun Ting, Sia Ren You, and Zhang Kaiyu for their project titled, “CSP and PV with storage in Morocco”.

The awards will be presented by Professor Saifur Rahman (President 2018-2019 of IEEE Power & Energy Society; and Joseph Loring Professor of Electrical Engineering, Virginia Tech Advanced Research Institute, Arlington, Virginia, USA). The award ceremony will take place concurrently with a lecture by Prof. Saifur Rahman on 22 May 2018, from 3:00pm to 4:00pm, at LT6, Engineering Block E4, NUS, Singapore. For more details about the lecture, click here.

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Event on 2018-04-18

Title:  Securing Smart Grid Cyber Infrastructure Against Emerging Threats

Date: 18 April 2018

Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Venue: Engineering Block E3-06-09, Faculty of Engineering, NUS Singapore


Smart Grid is a modernized power grid system empowered by ICT (information and communication technology). While it has improved timeliness and efficiency of power grid operation, it also raised concerns about cyber and cyber-physical security threats. In this talk we discuss security challenges in Smart Grid systems as well as recent real-world incidents. We then overview research efforts for ensuring trustworthy Smart Grid infrastructure.

Speaker’s Bio:

Daisuke Mashima is a research scientist at Illinois at Singapore Pte Ltd, a University of Illinois research centre in Singapore under CREATE program. Previously, he was a member of the research staff at Fujitsu Laboratories of America after obtaining the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Georgia Institute of Technology. His research focus is cyber security and privacy in smart grid and smart energy systems, and one of his papers discussing smart meter network security won the best paper award at IEEE SmartGridComm 2014.

Event on 2018-04-04

Title: Digitalization and Energy – Developments in Smart Grid and Policy Implications

Date: 04 April 2018

Time: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Venue: Engineering Block E3-06-02, Faculty of Engineering, NUS Singapore


Over the coming decades, digital technologies are set to make energy systems around the world more connected, intelligent, efficient, reliable and sustainable. Digitalization is already improving the safety, productivity, accessibility and sustainability of energy systems. But digitalization is also raising new security and privacy risks. It is also changing markets, businesses and employment. New business models are emerging, while some century-old models may be on their way out. Using the developments in smart grid as an example, this lecture will provide an overview of policy issues facing the developments in the digital transformation of the energy sector.

Speaker’s Bio:

Dr. Victor Nian is a research fellow of the Energy Studies Institute (ESI), National University of Singapore (NUS). He holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and a Bachelor in Electrical Engineering with a Minor in Management of Technology, all from the National University of Singapore. At ESI, his work is divided into two main streams, namely, developments in atomic energy and energy systems analysis. His works in atomic energy covers both peaceful and strategic use of atomic energy and his works in energy systems analysis includes modeling analysis with complex systems analysis tools, such as MARKAL/TIMES, and the development of new systems analysis methods/tools. Prior to his appointment at ESI, he has worked in usability and ergonomics consulting, intellectual property management, design and development of computer systems, and energy systems modelling software development. At the same time, he is the President of the Engineering Alumni Singapore and co‐leader of the nuclear special interest group of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (Singapore).

For further information, please contact:

Prof. Dipti Srinivasan 
Email: dipti@nus.edu.sg

Event on 2018-05-22: 02

IEEE PES Workshop on Smart Power and Energy System

This one-day workshop is in the form of technical seminars and lab demonstration at Nanyang Technological University.

Date: 22 May 2018

Venue: School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

Program Schedule:

8:45am-9:30am Morning tea (EEE Staff Lounge, S2.2-B4-06)
9:30am-12:30am Technical seminars (EEE Executive Seminar Room, S2.2-B2-53)
9:30am-9:50am Opening speech – Prof Subodh Mhaisalkar, Associate Vice President (Strategy and Partnerships), NTU; Executive Director, Energy Research Institute @ NTU
9:50am-10:10am Prof Stephen McArthur (IEEE Fellow), Deputy Associate Principal, University of Strathclyde, UK
10:10am-10:30am “Future Power System Resilience against Catastrophic Events” – Prof Wang Peng (IEEE Fellow), NTU EEE
10:30am-10:50am A Composable Framework for Real-Time Control of Active Distribution Networks with Explicit Power Setpoints” – Prof Mario Paolone, EPFL, Switzerland
10:50am-11:10am Electrification in Aerospace Industry” – Dr Amit Gupa, Chief of Rolls-Royce Electrical Applied Technology Group Singapore; Director of Rolls-Royce-NTU Corp Lab
11:10am-11:30am Control and management strategies for grids with high penetration of PV systems” – Prof Quoc Tuan TRAN, Professor INSTN – Paris Saclay University; Scientific Manager  – Smart Grid – CEA/INES
11:30am-11:50am Assoc Prof Josep Pou (IEEE Fellow), NTU EEE; Co-Director of Rolls-Royce-NTU Corp Lab
11:50am-12:10pm Prof Wen Fushuan, Zhejiang University, China
12:10pm-12:30pm Prof Huang Guangbin, NTU EEE
12:30pm-13:30pm Lunch (EEE Staff Lounge, S2.2-B4-06)
13:30pm-13:50pm “Advanced control strategy for wind turbines in power systems” – Prof Xu Zhao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
13:50pm-14:10pm Smart Multi-Energy System” – Dr Marcus Koh, NTU ERI@N
14:10pm-14:30pm Assoc Prof Zhao Junhua, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)
14:30pm-14:50pm “Small Signal Stability evaluation in the presence of load/generation uncertainties” – Asst Prof Ashu Verma, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Delhi, India
14:50pm-15:10pm Dr Meng Ke, Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Australia
15:10pm-15:30pm Robust energy management and voltage regulation of microgrids under uncertainty” – Asst Prof Xu Yan, NTU EEE
15:30pm-16:00pm Coffee break (EEE Staff Lounge, S2.2-B4-06)
16:00pm-17:00pm Lab visit: Water & Energy Lab, Rolls-Royce-NTU Corp Lab
17:00pm ISGT attendees depart for conference reception

For further information, please contact:

A/Prof. Xu Yan
Email: xuyan@ntu.edu.sg

Event on 2018-05-03

Title: Smart Condition Monitoring of Power System Equipment

Date: 03 May 2018

Time: 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Venue: E4-04-03, Engineering Block E4 (Floor No: 04), National University of Singapore


During the last three decades, there have been many new developments in condition monitoring (CM). Hundreds of new instruments are used in power industry around the world. Enormous quantities of CM data are collected from on-line and off-line tests every day. Now, it may be the right time to ask “Are we using CM instruments wisely?” In fact, one of the problems often encountered by industry is how to interpret the mass of CM data. Of course, CM program must be accurate, reliable and cost-effective. The cost includes instrumentation and on-going testing and data interpretation. The common problems experienced by industry are:

  • Over-usage of techniques and instruments, making CM costly;
  • Misunderstanding of the principles underlying the operation of CM equipment;
  • Difficulty in interpreting complex and voluminous data, and therefore in diagnosing incipient faults;
  • Difficulty in determining the critical fault levels on which repair/replacement decisions should be based;
  • Difficulty in estimating accurately the remaining service lifetime of insulation.

Given the above problems, a new concept of Smart Condition Monitoring (SCM) is proposed to wisely select and apply condition monitoring techniques, i.e.

  • Smart selection of CM techniques
  • Smart sensor development
  • Smart data interpretation and diagnosis
  • Smart failure investigation and failure prevention
  • Smart sharing

Speaker’s Bio:

Charles was a high voltage engineer in 1970’s. In 1990, he obtained PhD from the University of NSW Australia and worked as a lecturer until 1991. Then, he joined Monash University as a lecturer, senior lecturer and associate professor until 2001. In 2002, he took the chief technologist position in SP PowerGrid. From 2007 to 2011, he was a professor and head of research committee at Petroleum Institute, UAE. Then, he worked as a guest professor at North China Power University in 2012 and Wuhan University in 2013. Afterwards, he joined Newcastle University (UK) until Feb 2017 when he retired to Melbourne. He is now the director of Charling Technology, Australia.

Charles published two books and over 150 technical papers. He received two awards: 2001 Monash University Vice-Chancellor’s Special Commendation for Teaching Excellence* and 2002 IEEE Standards award. He is a life senior member of IEEE and fellow of IET.


Books published:

  • Book “Condition Assessment of High Voltage Insulation” UK: IET Power & Energy series No.53, 2008 (co-authored with Prof. R. James of UNSW)
  • Book “Electromagnetic transients in transformer and rotating machine windings”, ISI Global, USA, Aug 2012

For further information, please contact:

A/Prof. Thillainathan Logenthiran 
Email: t.logenthiran@newcastle.ac.uk