
Every second year, since 2003, the Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo) bringing together students, young scientists, researchers, engineers and experts from around the world. This year the 8th Signal Processing Symposium was held September 12–14, 2017 in GUS Training Center Jachranka 81, 05-140 Serock, Poland, lovely holiday place located at Zegrze Reservoir, 30 km east from Warsaw.
As a well-established conference in the field, Signal Processing Symposiums provides a lively forum for reporting the latest developments in the research and application on all matters relating to signal processing techniques, systems, and components developed for various industry sectors and different application areas, such as voice processing, image processing, biomedical applications, radar sonar and space technology, remote sensing and many others. The main goal of that symposium is to provide a forum for students, researchers and scientists to present their latest findings, new trends in science and technology, and to exchange ideas during technical and evening sessions.
In 2017 SPSympo-2017 conference turn attention particularly to the space technologies as a domain of the almost limitless possibilities. The conference program represents the efforts of many people. SPSympo-2017 received more than100 submission from 23 countries. For publication has been select 88 papers for oral or poster presentation.
The SPSympo-2017 has been organized with co-sponsoring of IEEE Signal Processing and IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Societies and support or patronage from institutional and industrial partners, among them Polish Space Agency, URSI, PCO, TESPOL, AMTechnologies, National Instruments, iTTi, CSI, MIKON Foundation, Fundacji Wspierania Rozwoju Radiokomunikacji i Technik Multimedialnych, SSPW and RD PW.
With the poster, oral and evening social sessions, SPSympo2017 creates the unique environment full of opportunities to keep up to date with the latest achievements in the field of signal processing and to interact with international experts from industry and academia.